The Savior is just a 3-Year-Old

Chapter 1232: The emperor seeks immortals in the lower realm

  Chapter 1232 The emperor seeks immortals in the lower realm

  Speaking of Dao Zun, the expression of Creation looked gloomy.

   "Dao Zun is now affected by consciousness, I am afraid that it will be a little trouble. I am afraid that I have to think, send Tao Zun into a small world, and re-experience the state of mind."

  "A small world that can accommodate Dao Zun?" The **** master was startled.

  "Where can anyone go down to experience the way of heaven?" The world's biggest masters all went down. The legendary way of heaven is unheard of.

   "Wang Xianggong keeps secrets. If everyone knows the lower realms of the heavenly realms, I am afraid that the three realms will be messed up."

   "This matter is still inconclusive, and we have to discuss it again." Chuangshi Shen rubbed his eyebrows, and felt painful just thinking about these bad things.

  Heaven’s path and calamity, where is it so simple to talk about.

  Tian Dao is the master of the entire Three Realms.

  He is everywhere. Whoever swears by the gods, men and demons in these three realms, he is the kind of notary public.

  Even if you fled to the ends of the world, he will be able to honor your vows for you.

  He does not belong to the Three Realms, but he controls the Three Realms.

  It is destined that he cannot have seven emotions and six desires.

   "Is it possible, like a Buddha, reincarnated as a monk?" The **** master muttered, seeing the lady's grotesque gaze, he suddenly stopped.

  "Let's put this matter aside for the time being, I am afraid that there is still some time in the lower realm of Taoist priest."

  The Lower Realm of Heaven, how could it be so easy.

  You can directly destroy this small world if you are not careful.

  Even, if he recovers his memory halfway, and is affected by the emotions of that life, I am afraid it will be counterproductive.

   can only lead thoughts to the right path.

  Rao is that the creation gods dare not act rashly.

  At this moment, Emperor Ziwei was squatting beside the Sanshengshi to commit a hardship.

  "Yoyou..." The name whispered softly in his mouth.

Who the **** is   YoYo?

  At this moment, the fairy boy of Emperor Ziwei came to look for him, and said in a low voice: "God, the goddess stationed in the mortal world will come to report. The goddess left the pair of children...something is wrong."

Emperor Ziwei raised his eyes slightly and stood up: "What's the matter? What happened?"

"Then the baby boy, his national fortune is prosperous, and the dragon is soaring. With him, I am afraid that the mortal world will rise again soon. But the girl... seems something is not quite right, and the words of God are extremely nervous, and they specially come to ask the emperor. Look at the Nether."

Emperor Ziwei waved his hand, which was not too troublesome.

  Jiang Huailu ended up like this. Although he abides by the laws of the Three Realms, she also grew up on her own.

  The child back then, the first time he saw him, he slammed his head and called out: "Grandpa Dijun." He smiled, and his cheeks were chubby. He looked very gratifying.

  Although Emperor Ziwei is handsome, but his seniority is extremely high, it is nothing to call him Grandpa Emperor.

  Now that the child is out of spirits, Emperor Ziwei is not feeling well.

  The pair of Lin'er she left behind, it's not a big deal for him to take care of them.

   Emperor Ziwei looked for Da Zhou all the way and passed by.

   pulled the **** general and asked, and learned that the two children are now the last blood of the royal family and have been taken into the palace long ago.

  Now it is the Xia family and the Queen Mother raising two children in the palace.

When Emperor Ziwei was wearing a lavender suit and fell on the imperial garden, he happened to hear the whispers among the little palace ladies.

   "Why doesn't the little princess have long hair? This is half a year old, why is she still a bald head." The two court ladies were helpless, and Princess Jingshu's hair had become the empress dowager's heart disease.

  I don’t know why Ziwei Emperor has an inexplicable feeling in his heart.

  But I can’t tell what’s going on.

  (End of this chapter)

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