The Savior is just a 3-Year-Old

Chapter 125: The evil is about to cry

  Chapter 125 Evil is about to cry

  Xia gave Jiang Huailu a package.

   is packed full.

   "Your partner's parents are gone?" Xia asked carefully. "Are there any elders in the family?"

  Little Huailu shook his head, Lu Jiang was half a lonely ghost, where's his relatives.

"That's fine. My mother has prepared some things that she can use for you, and you can tell her not to be shy. Ask me if you don't understand." Xia thought for a while and gave the menstrual cloth that she bought in the afternoon. She stuffed it in.

  This child is eleven, and he has already reacted earlier.

  If it is later, it will be available soon.

After all,    is Lulu’s first friend, so it takes a bit of thought to be a mother.

  Jiang Huailu took a look: "What is this?" He also stepped forward and took a look at it, a soft long piece of cloth.

  The outer layer is light pink, and the pattern is embroidered with extremely soft threads, and there is a layer of white soft cloth on the innermost layer.

  Xia's face blushed and glared at the girl.

"You ask so much what you are doing, the children’s family. Don’t ask so much. You give it to her, and she knows how to use it." After saying that, Xia snatched it back in twos and threw it directly into the innermost place. Floor.

  Jiang Huailu curled his lips, his mother was really stingy.

   His face was flushed no matter what.

  Jiang Huailu returned home, Jiang Huaian has already returned. He has been on duty for the past few months and has made six taels of silver, and he writes some poems to make money on weekdays. The unity also has eight or nine taels of silver.

   "I will move to a new home tomorrow." Jiang Huaian's face was a little bit of a smile.

  Actually, he refused to give up the house from the Yang family, but City Lord Yang seemed extremely disturbed.

  Xia used to be among the rich and powerful. Naturally, he knew that it was the easiest thing to pay off with money.

   So Jiang Huaian accepted it.

  At night, the group of people ate early. Jiang Huaian met his grandfather today and wanted to say something, but Jiang Huailu hurriedly ran back to the bed holding the package.

  After a while, she was already snoring when she entered.

  Jiang Huaian gave a chuckle, and was pressed by the horns for his sister, before he retreated.

   When Jiang Huailu opened his eyes, he carried the package around in the Hall of Salvation and didn't even see Lu Jiang.

   "Brother Lu Jiang? Brother Lu Jiang?" Jiang Huai said, looking for Zhu Yan, but Zhu Yan said that he had never seen him for a day.

   "Could it be that he has been staying at home today? Didn't come out a touched day?" Jiang Huailu felt that he was the truth, and hurried to the mountain holding the package.

  At this moment, she didn't notice at all, she flashed away and went straight to the tomb of Lu Huaijiang.

  The little girl was still startled.

  The ability is getting stronger.

   "Brother Lu Jiang, are you at home? Come out soon." Come out quickly. As soon as you said this, Lu Huaijiang felt the force that suppressed him instantly loosened.

   Standing outside the cemetery with a disheveled black face, if it is an ordinary person, I am afraid that it will be frightened crazy.

   "Every family, every family, your family is the grave! Did you deliberately retaliate against this...revenge me, deliberately shut me here!" Lu Huaijiang was furious, ah! ! This dead girl was born to deny him, just to deny him!

   Lying on the **** hard board, aching all over.

   "The back of my head is almost flat." Lu Huaijiang gritted his teeth.

  Jiang Huailu paused and was silent for a moment. Lu Huaijiang thought she was repenting.

For a long time, she said quietly: "Brother Lu Jiang, do you want a pillow? Are you unhappy?"

  Lu Huaijiang! !

  Lu Huaijiang almost laughed.

   looked at her with a sullen face: "You can't stretch your arms, you're happy." Skin Xiaorou didn't smile, and she was cold all over.

  Jiang Huailu aggrieved with a small face: "Then, do you want to dig a hole on both sides of the coffin and stretch out your hand?"

   "It's enough to stretch and think about it."

  (End of this chapter)

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