The Savior is just a 3-Year-Old

Chapter 1256: Little Devil Grabbing Life and Death

   Chapter 1256

  Ziwei Emperor's eyelids lifted.

  Three years old...

  It’s not... right?

  The gate of the underworld has not been opened for thousands of years, but as soon as it opened this time, all came out. Even the Nether King can't control it.

  They follow the will of heaven.

  If they didn’t speak today to let them come back, they could only be caught again one by one.

  The underworld was already busy, but who knew it would suffer such a disaster.

When Emperor Ziwei came over, all the flowers of the underworld in the underworld were plucked clean. There is only one flower bone hanging there, alone.

  Forget the long-lasting grievances on the river, running clean.

  Naihe bridge has collapsed in two, and it can barely be crossed.

  The emperor has a dark complexion, and I see the emperor personally come.

   suddenly cried: "Emperor, are you here to help the underworld eradicate the little evil star?"

"Just now a little evil star came to the underworld... the emperor, but you must be the master for us. A little bald head came into the underworld, it is a evil star. There is no grass wherever you go. I don't know what kind of person it is. It is the cause of such a great evil. It must be punished!"

  Oh oh oh oh...

  The truth guarding the underworld was crying and streaming with tears.

  It is a beast that guards the underworld.

  "As soon as she entered the netherworld, she felt that the manjusa was blooming brilliantly and was undefeated during the millennium blooming period. She was drawn clean."

   "Forget Chuan Hanoi's unjust souls persist all the year round, even when Sishen came, she couldn't help it. But when she came, she said she wanted to take home to look after the house, but she didn't know what treasure she had taken out. All the injustices in the river were taken away."

  "She just passed Sanshengshi, and saw that stone can see past memories. She found it interesting, so she directly dug out a piece of Wangxiangtai."

   "There is also the Naihe Bridge. She only walked on it once, and then the Naihe Bridge collapsed."

"Now she is looking for the position of the Ten Hall Yama. The emperor must be the master of the underworld. The underworld has been closed for a thousand years. How can you know that this door has been opened and suffered such a disaster? The emperor must severely punish the evil star. Pursue the person who raised her."

   "It's a bandit." The underworld looked like he was robbed.

   "I don't know what kind of practice she has, she looks like a mortal. She doesn't have any spiritual power, but all the spells in the underworld are invalid for her."

Emperor Ziwei pursed his lips, his eyelids twitched slightly.

   is of course invalid.

  The Great Ziwei had not entered the door when he followed the Ten Temple Yama.

   heard a crisp voice shouting: "You are not allowed to hook my grandmother's soul, you are not allowed to hook!"

   "Whose child is so bold! If you let this monarch catch your parents, you must make them look good!" I don't know which temple Yan Luo is so angry.

   "What's the use of the judge's pen and the book of life and death? Are you a child who can hold the judge's pen and the book of life and death? What a joke!" Yan Luo looked at her coldly.

  Looking at her holding a pen in one hand and holding the golden book of life and death in the other.

  The child ignored him, and lowered his head to write and draw on the book of life and death, flipping around.

   "This monarch is not afraid to tell you that this book of life and death and the judge's pen have never been controlled by mortals. It has always been under the control of the underworld."

   "In this world, two people have taken charge."

  "One of them is the savior of the world. The other is a born Buddha. You are a three-year-old child, and you are trying to get involved in the life and death book. No matter what your background, the life and death book does not recognize power." Yan Luo seemed relieved.

  But the voice just fell...

  A large expanse of golden light appeared in front of him.

   Hey, I took the child to check his eyesight today. More than three years old, more than two hundred degrees of astigmatism, congenital. The doctor said to wear glasses, hey, hesitated all the time. You can't take it out if you put it on. I don’t know if I can get better if I don’t look at electronic products and take part in more outdoor activities. Hey.



  (End of this chapter)

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