The Savior is just a 3-Year-Old

Chapter 1279: Admirer of the Emperor

  Chapter 1279 The Emperor's Admirer

  Deer and deer creatures, this made the Jiang family suddenly hopeful.

  Because of the reckless spirit, Jiang's family often has all kinds of small animals patronizing.

  The fairy grass even shimmered in the night, which made Lu Huaijiang feel very worried. The family often stayed in front of him all night.

  The emperor temporarily acts as the God of Creation, and is in charge of the God Realm, so he cannot leave Jiuzhongtian for too long.

   took Lu Youyou back to Jiuzhongtian and directly into the Temple of Creation.

  The gods of the Three Realms entered the temple, and the emperor sat in the main seat, and she lay in his arms and snored.

  Not long after, the Three Realms knew that there was a milk doll in front of the emperor.

  This day coincides with the emperor dealing with political affairs.

  Lu Youyou sneaked out of the Creation Hall quietly.

  The little girl was born with a strange spirit, she is now wearing a red dress, like a virgin under the Guanyin seat.

  As soon as he slipped out of the hall, he was caught by a beautiful goddess.

  It took a lot of work for the goddess to deceive her outside.

   There is a phoenix parked outside, this phoenix is ​​a real phoenix, and the phoenix pulls the majestic sedan chair and stays in the nine heavens.

   "The little goddess seems to be called to find a fairy? The little goddess is not hurrying to visit our fairy pool lady." The goddess looked at her with a smile.

   "You don't need to be polite." The fairy pool girl opened the curtain slightly, revealing her true face.

  It was a noble appearance, and when he saw Lu Youyou, he even pretended to be intimacy.

   "You don't know me yet? I'm the fairy pond female monarch in charge of female fairies." The nine heavens are extremely large, the creation **** masters the Three Realms, but the things that can pass her are generally the Three Realms.

  So the law is in charge of Emperor Ziwei.

  The female fairy is in charge of the fairy pond female monarch.

  As we all know, the fairy pool female monarch has been happy for many years.

   "Our female emperor ascended at the same time as the Ziwei emperor. The two have passed on the good news for thousands of years in Jiuzhongtian. When the two ascended on the same day, the emperor also gave the female emperor a flower."

  Nv Xianchi said to the maid in front of her.

  The female gentleman's face was a little arrogant smile: "What do you tell her about these things, what does she know as a child."

"Come here. You tell me that the emperor has often been in the lower realm these days, but who has he seen? The emperor also found a lot of pleasing things last time, and I don’t know who gave it to. If you speak well, I will I will give you these treasures." The treasures of the Fairy Lady are not so valuable, but they are novel. She is in charge of the fairies and naturally has many pleasing things in her hands.

  A few days ago, the emperor actually went to her to find some wonderful things that made girls pleased, and then secretly went to the lower realm.

  This made the fairy pond girl almost bit her teeth with hatred.

   Could it be that the fairy called Yo Yo appeared? The love of that emperor! !

  The fairy pool girl's heart sank, and the emperor has never responded to the disaster. Is it true body crossing the catastrophe? ?

  The fairy pond female monarch looked at Lu Xunxian coldly, and couldn't help but contemptuously on her face.

  Jiang Huailu’s child, 哧.

  She has never liked Jiang Huailu.

  Jiang Huailu was very much loved in the God Realm. She is obviously the female prince in charge of female fairies, but everyone spoils her. In order to let her be unconstrained, the Creation God even raised her in the Creation Temple and raised her with the son of the First God.

  This makes her very unhappy.

  Now her child is still raised in front of her beloved man, how she likes it.

   But now, it is to coax her.

  Lu Youyou blinked, something pleasing? I gave it to myself.

   "Of course it was given to the beautiful girl under the sky." Lu Youyou stood up and raised her head. Of course, she was the cutest little goddess.

  The fairy pond female gentleman really gritted her teeth with anger.

  (End of this chapter)

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