The Savior is just a 3-Year-Old

Chapter 1288: She's the same

   Chapter 1288 She is still the same

   "The first time I see you, you can be shoulder to shoulder with the beginning god. He has always regarded you as the greatest threat to the gods."

When Emperor Ziwei met Lu Huaijiang, he knew that he could subvert the Three Realms.

  Over the years, he has been conscientiously guarding the Three Realms, and has been tracking Lu Huaijiang's whereabouts.

  I don’t know about him, but he has no intention of career, so he seriously turns himself into a love brain.

  Lu Huaijiang looked down at Jiang Huailu who was sleeping in the flower stamen, and his voice couldn't help being lowered a bit.

  "If you concentrate on your career, there may be nothing wrong with the God Realm in these three realms." Emperor Ziwei was very conflicted with Lu Huaijiang.

  He was happy that Lu Huaijiang gave up this great future and saved the people from danger.

  On the other hand, he spurned Lu Huaijiang, feeling depressed for his unworthiness.

  The other party has no intention of having a career and concentrates on falling in love.

  Self-understand lifelong cultivation, give up everything. You can subvert the Three Realms at will, become the supreme powerhouse of the Three Realms, and become so humble for a woman.

  He is very contradictory.

  Lu Huaijiang looked at him quietly: "She is alone, she is more important than the Three Realms."

  The emperor is noncommittal, is one person more important than the three realms?

  Dijun shook his head slightly.

  As a law-enforcement god, the law of the Three Realms is more important than himself, and he will never let people be higher than the law of the Three Realms.

  Lu Huaijiang seems to have guessed his thoughts: "In the future, you will find that someone is more important than you than the Three Realms."

  Ziwei Emperor chuckled softly, and the mockery in his tone made no secret of it.

   "Lu Yo Yo? That fat baby who only knows to eat and walks and shakes all day?"

  Lu Huaijiang inexplicably remembered a sentence he once said: "Am I showing her full of flesh, and the short stumps with short hands and short feet?"

   "Emperor, you are happy." Lu Huaijiang left without looking back.

   Lessons from the past, if you don’t listen to the advice of people, don’t blame me.

  Ziwei Dijun thought it was funny.

   It’s all about the Cthulhu’s love brain, but also trying to make him, the law enforcer of the Three Realms, also a love brain?

  He raised Lu Youyou because she has no one to trust for the time being.

  He spoiled her, but because he pityed her for suffering too much when she was young. As for the Sanshengshi, when Lu Youyou grows up, he will personally pick her a son-in-law who is a long-lived dragon and cut off this love with his own hands.

  He never felt bothered.

  What Lu Huaijiang said will never happen to him.

  I was thinking about it, and I heard Lu Youyou cry in a crying voice: "Uuuuuu..."

When   Emperor rushed over, he saw a map spread on her nap bed.

   "I didn't mean it. I forgot. I drank too much water. I didn't mean it. Will others laugh at me for bedwetting?"

  Dijun hurriedly stepped forward and hugged her: "No, no, who would dare to laugh at you."

  Lu Youyou sobbed, then hung on the emperor and refused to get down.

   is just a three-year-old milk doll, such a soft and soft ball, how can there be such a powerful ability.

  He didn't believe it at all.

  It just speeded up the process of finding a beloved person for Lu Youyou.

  He wants to guard the Three Realms, without heart, this love robbery is doomed to fail.

  Lu Huai Jiang Riri squatted beside the fairy grass, and finally coaxed the little man to shout Jiang Jiang.

  This Jiang Jiang made Lu Huaijiang cried with joy, and she performed a hunk of tears for her on the spot.

  But the little girl disliked it again.

  Fortunately, although she was reborn, many habits remained unchanged.

  When Lu Huaijiang gnawed the leg of lamb in front of her, her sucking drool was still so loud.

  Ha, it’s still her.

  (End of this chapter)

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