The Savior is just a 3-Year-Old

Chapter 1291: Recognize her

   Chapter 1291 Recognize her

  Jiang Huailu lightly inhaled his nose, as if smelling a **** smell.

  But she obviously has no sense of taste or smell, but she didn't really think about it, so she wiped it clean and pulled Lu Huaijiang to the door.

  "Where is the food court you said?"

   "Is it really so fragrant and so delicious?"

   "I really want to eat too."

  Lulu muttered as he walked, his eyebrows were relaxed and indifferent, without a trace of sadness or unwillingness.

  When she went out, a little maid holding a tea cup passed by.

  Only one stroke.


  The tea cup in her hand fell in response, and she looked at Jiang Huailu's figure blankly, and knelt on the ground with a clatter.

   "Is it dazzled? She... is back?"

   "The sky in the capital, is it going to change?"

  Jiang Huailu stood outside Jiang’s house at the moment, his eyebrows were full of joy: “I seem to have been here before, so familiar.” The little girl started to jump around.

  Lu Huaijiang followed behind her, her eyes filled with hearts where she could not see.

   "It's so lively over there, let's go and take a look." Jiang Huailu saw the heat, and saw the white and fat wontons coming out of the pot, and the saliva was about to fall.

  "It smells so sweet, so sweet..." The little girl shook her nose.

  Lu Huaijiang burst into laughter: "You can't smell it again."

   "Just look at it and it smells good."

  Lu Huaijiang ordered two bowls of wontons. The wontons were just out of the pot, and there were still a few slices of green onion floating on them.

  The soup base is fish bone soup, boiled to a creamy white color.

  Lu Huaijiang took a sip, it was indeed fresh, with a hint of sweetness of fish.

  Jiang Huailu looked at his cozy expression eagerly, and took a sip from his bowl.

  No salt or taste is like chewing wax.

   "Is it delicious? What does it taste like?" Jiang Huailu almost cried.

  The old vendor who cooked wonton didn’t look up: “Of course it’s delicious. The fish was delivered early in the morning. One by one is lively and fresh.”

"I separated the fish and fish bones, boiled the fish bones, and chopped the fish into minced meat. Add **** and minced garlic in it, and add some salt for a simple seasoning. After repeated beatings, I started to wrap wontons. The meat inside was fresh and sweet. Once. That master likes my wonton the most."

   "It's a pity..." The old man sighed, his tone was full of vicissitudes, his cheeks were old, but his eyes were filled with endless regret.

  The old man smoking a dry cigarette raised his head and glanced at the little girl who was holding a bowl and shed tears.

   Suddenly, the dry smoke on his hand flicked.

   His eyes were straight, staring at the woman blankly.

   "Did you come back?" His voice was extremely soft, as if he could drift away with the wind, for fear of disturbing the girl.

  Lulu gave him a puzzled look.

  "Did I know him before?" She looked at Lu Huaijiang.

  Lu Huaijiang glanced at the old man with a hidden threat in his eyes.

   "I don't know it. Maybe I feel familiar."

   Jiang Huailu screamed, and he no longer had the slightest emotion.

  The old man burst into tears, it was her, it was her.

  But the old man did not dare to disturb her. Seeing that she had forgotten all the dust, he did not dare to come forward to disturb her.

  Everyone remembers that scene, remembering that she was holding a magic sword, majestic and majestic, looking at the world in the air.

  'S eyes are full of indifference.

  The hostility between her eyebrows can hardly be hidden.

  She hates the world, right?

  She is tired of all this, right?

  Now her eyebrows are full of ease and calmness, without a trace of sadness, her eyes are big and bright. There is no more disappointment and sadness.

  The old man restrained his emotions, and only dared to stand far away and did not dare to approach.

  (End of this chapter)

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