The Savior is just a 3-Year-Old

Chapter 1297: No more pity

   Chapter 1297 No more mercy

   "What's the matter with you? You have a nosebleed after eating a fruit?"

   "Is it okay?"

   "I haven't eaten enough yet."

   "It's an hour soon."

   "What the **** is hiding in your pocket, you poked me. Did you hide the delicious food?"

  Lu Huaijiang shook his feet, what kind of word is this tiger wolf? ?

  A blushing like blood.

  The lips are slightly swollen.

  Lu Huaijiang stooped so hard that he did not dare to lift it up. He wanted to cry without tears: "Let's go back." He was wrong, and it was himself who suffered.

  He is the one who has been tortured.

  Jiang Huailu belched his stomach, thinking that he was really relying on him to eat something today, so he didn't care about him.

   "You are not allowed to hide things in your pocket in the future, and I won't eat you."

  Jiang Huailu still doesn't want to go back.

   "It's going to rain soon, you can't touch the water." The clay figure melts as soon as it touches the water.

  Jiang Huailu had to die: "Then you will bring me out tomorrow."

  Lu Huaijiang was silent for a moment and nodded to the end.

  I just sympathize with myself.

   "Oh, my feet are getting wet. I stepped on a mud print." The heavy rain came quickly and urgently, Jiang Huailu only fell on one foot, and a mud print appeared under that foot.

   "Oh, my leg is going to be broken." Before Lu Huaijiang could react, she jumped directly into his arms.

  Lu Huaijiang, hey, these days of ice and fire.

  Hugged her all the way to find a secluded place, stretched out her hand and pinched a trick, and then transformed her into a clay figure with a big palm.

   "I will send you back later. You rest in the clay figurines first, and you are tired today." Lu Huaijiang put her on his chest, and Lulu could feel his strong heartbeat.

   Originally thought that she didn't want to sleep, but her heartbeat actually made her feel at ease.

   soon fell asleep.

  Lu Huaijiang walked down the long street with a paper umbrella.

  The people who came and went were holding long incense in their hands. They were extremely religious, as if nothing had happened.

  Lu Huaijiang stood on one side blankly.

   Seeing them kneeling in the rain, there is no sympathy.

  "Forgive us, believers know that they are wrong."

  "Please come back to shelter us again, we must believe in you alone."

  "Give the mortal a chance to rebuild the Hall of Salvation. Your golden body has been erected, so let's enjoy it."

  "Please don't break it again. Please forgive us."

  Lu Huaijiang held an umbrella and saw a bunch of people kneeling in the empty square.

The place where the golden statue originally stood in the center of    is now covered with debris.

  "Do you know why your golden statues can't stand up?" The pig trotters who came back with a burden looked at them.

   "Because you are greedy, greedy and selfish."

  The vendors have no scruples, their faces are full of sarcasm.

  "Is it ridiculous? She saved you from fire and water, but you were the one who stabbed her. She never owed the world. The world owed her."

   "Now that she is tortured by evil spirits, but she is cheeky and wants to give her a golden body? It's ridiculous."

   "She will take it after you set it up? Does she owe you? A bunch of unscrupulous things."

  "Don't bother her! She doesn't hate you, she is kind!" The vendor pushed the cart and turned away.

  He was still limping when he started walking. Three years ago, Jiang Huailu was accused by thousands of husbands.

  He and the street vendor in front of the Donggong Gate were blocked, and he was interrupted by a leg.

  Everyone knelt on the ground blankly, their clothes wet.

  Now, no one will pity them anymore.

  (End of this chapter)

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