The Savior is just a 3-Year-Old

Chapter 135: The wicked have to grind the wicked

  Chapter 135 The wicked have to be grinded by the wicked

  "Quickly call sister Fu." Xia cut a slice of melon for the young woman.

  The young woman waved her hands again and again, but saw Jiang Huailu holding her feet on her feet and handing it to her. She couldn't move her eyes away from the cuteness.

  "What is your name, Sister Fu, Aunt Fu?" The woman was kind of gentle on her face.

   Seeing Xia's gaze, the woman smiled embarrassedly.

"I, I have had a bad temper since I was a kid. You see I am thin and weak, but I have a good temper. When I was sixteen, my family booked me a marriage. The fiancé pretended to look like a person. Betrothed. Later, her character was exposed." The woman's expression was faint, and her eyes were a bit mocking.

  But there was some fierce air between the eyebrows: "After getting engaged, he continued to enter and exit the major casinos. I caught him for a day, but didn't want to repent. I just thought that after the engagement, I should obey the inferiority of men and women."

  The woman took a bite.

  Brows and eyes are disdainful.

   "What happened later? Then you can marry?" Xia is a married woman, and naturally knows that the fiancé is not worthy of a good match.

The woman leisurely picked up the tea bowl and took a sip: "I fractured his leg. Later, his mother came to ask for justice and rolled around in front of our door. I held his mother tightly to my house again. Harm, his. The old mother screamed in the house, crying and howling. The family members knelt at our house and begged to let them go. Then the marriage broke out."

  So far, no one cares about her.

  A few days ago, her mother also said that whenever someone comes to propose a marriage, even a widower must marry her.

  After all, because of her, the marriage of those little nieces in the family is not going well.

After finishing speaking, Fu Linglong suddenly leaned forward: "I seem to be a little bit red-luan star moving these few days. I cleaned up your house a few days ago, and I actually met a gentleman. He is a scholar, knows the book well, that's right. A little older than me, but also quite generous." She admires scholars the most in her life.

  But she marries a scholar as a scholar, don't even think about it.

Xia gave her a blank look: "Students spend the most time. They read a lot and have a lot of great principles. You can't win with ten mouths. Can you forget what I told you?" After finishing speaking, he turned to Jiang Huailu. Nuzui.

  That means, isn’t Jiang Huailu’s father like that?

  Fu Linglong has heard from Xia Shi. Although her husband is talented, she always wronged his wife for the sake of family harmony.

  As for the mother-in-law, she is a double-handed one.

   "You are too kind, if your mother-in-law meets me? Humph." Fu Linglong chuckled, but said nothing.

  Xia shook his head. Fu Linglong said again: "Fortunately, you are out now, and I will move with you later."

  Xia also laughed and joked: "Thank you so much. If you get married, you must invite me."

   Fu Linglong blushed immediately.

  She went to the elegant man's house a few days ago and was received by his mother.

  Although he knows that he is not young, he may have a wife and children.

  But knowing that the husband and wife have reconciled because of their disharmony, she is still relieved.

  She has been an unconvincing temper since she was a child. She doesn't want to be small, unwilling to get angry, and can't get sand in her eyes.

  If she is a child, she will definitely not get along again.

   But since the peace, then there is no major problem.

  In the afternoon, when Jiang Huaian came back, the Xia family moved directly into the inner city.

  Jiang Huailu lived directly next door to the city lord. On the day of moving, Yang Dianfeng looked at her with tears.

   "As soon as you come, I am afraid I will be beaten more often."

    First update, please recommend and ask for rewards and comments. I'm back to pay off the debt... I have watched a little red flower in the past two days, and also watched the bomb disposal expert... Have you seen it? Can tell me



  (End of this chapter)

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