The Savior is just a 3-Year-Old

Chapter 1494: Inhumanity

   Chapter 1494

  Three days and three nights running water table, these few days are full of food.

  No one wants to tear down the gift that everyone has.

  How bright can a gift that hundreds of thousands of people have?

  There was even a woman holding her belly, and there happened to be a child making noise. She threw the gift bag directly to the child.

   "Noisy, I can’t rest for a meal. I’m afraid I won’t have this good thing again in my life. Let you eat more and don’t listen to it. Just play with it all day." The woman stomped her feet.

   "Mother, I'm so close to my throat." The little girls looked pitiful.

  The woman is even more angry.

   "I can't eat anything that is worthless. I can't eat more." The woman leaned on her waist, but she couldn't straighten her back.

  A group of people lived in the alley, and the children formed a group with gift bags.

   "Look at what's inside?"

   "I guess it must be sugar."

  "It may also be the dim sum made by the imperial chef. My mother went to the banquet, and the dim sum returned was the dim sum. The dim sum was delicious."

   "I still want to eat melon seeds."

  Kang, something fell on the ground.

  The children were all taken aback. The small bag didn't look big, but it seemed to jingle inside.

  "Is it something to play with? It's still a bit heavy." I saw a little girl picking up the bag and putting it directly on the ground.

  All the children are quiet, sluggish in place.

  The women in the alley, the men are a little surprised, why don't the children speak.

   Before I spoke, I heard the child scream "Melon seeds!"

  The women all stood up. Immediately planned to sit down again.

  "It's all golden melon seeds, a lot of golden melon seeds." The little girl's voice rang again.


  The women just sat down on the ground.

   "What's the thing? What's in it?" The chubby woman rushed over, only to see the small bag she threw to her daughter widened.

  There was a bunch of shiny things on the ground.

   "Don't move, no one is allowed to move. This belongs to our house!" The woman suddenly became aggressive. The voice is trembling

  Golden melon seeds! They turned out to be golden melon seeds!

  It's all golden melon seeds! "Don't pick up the dead girl!" The woman slapped the child on the forehead.

  The child was full of grievances, "Give it to me..."

   "The dead girl has a big heart, your brother won't marry a wife? You don't want to dowry? Pick it up quickly! Ask your brother to ask your father to ask your grandma to come back. You will also open your own share later!"

  The woman hurriedly pulled it into the bag and counted it roughly. There are almost ten golden melon seeds in one bag.

  The woman’s heart was beating, ten little golden melon seeds!

  This is dozens of taels! God!

  Everyone in the alley was in a mess, all jealous.

  But everyone had a copy of the bag, and everyone hurried home.

  After everyone returned home, they realized that the contents were different.

  Some people have a small hairpin inside, some are broken silver, some are gold melon seeds, and some are pearls and so on.

  The least valuable is thank you for your patronage.

  But everyone in the family participated in the running water feast. Even if there is a thank you for your patronage, it is at best a pity, and there has been no trouble.

  The tallest one is the golden leaf, and the most golden leaf has ten pieces. A piece of twelve taels, and a reward is a hundred taels.

  But there are not many golden leaves, and everyone is just envious.

  "Probably forget it, the least of the family, the whole family will return a gift of about twelve or two."

  It’s so awesome.

  壕 inhumanity.

  (End of this chapter)

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