The Savior is just a 3-Year-Old

Chapter 1518: Under the roof

   Chapter 1518

  The King of People was silent and did not speak.

  Lin Fujin did not seem to intend to persuade him more.

   just squatted on the ground to lift up the broken door, and wanted to reinstall it, but found that it was no longer available.

  I saw her put away the funeral objects in the yard again, doing things aimlessly by herself.

  In the dark house where the sun is not visible, it is as if she is alone.

  Ren Wang has never relented. At this moment, he hesitated for a moment.

   "Actually, you only need to show up at home from time to time." Lin Fujin paused, and she found that the Zhou family brothers seemed very afraid of Lu brother.

   "I won't stay here every day." He was busy upstairs.

  How can I accompany a little widow every day.

  Lin Fujin's eyes brightened when he heard a play.

   Immediately pressed her lips, facing Wang Fu, she said, “You don’t need to wait for Lu Gongzi every day, just show up from time to time.” As she said, she suddenly became a little bit shy.

  In order to stand up to this family in recent years, she has a very thick skin, but she has never been alone with a strange man.

  Big Brother Lin has always regarded her as a real sister.

  She is in front of him, it is better to be cautious in front of Lu Gongzi.

"Just now, it's A Jin who caused trouble to Young Master Lu. If Young Master feels embarrassed, leave it. For the one or two dollars, forget it." Lin Fujin sighed, her eyes blankly looked at the courtyard here, maybe, She probably couldn't keep it.

  Renwang couldn't see that in her sly eyes, there was such a dazed and lonely look, and he waved his hand.

   "I will go back here every afternoon."

  Lin Fujin breathed a sigh of relief, and gave him a solemn blessing.

   "Thanks to Mr. Lu. It's just a pity that being with me as a widow under the eaves will probably affect your reputation."

  Lu Yueze waved his hand, no one dared to tarnish his reputation.

  Anyway, he has no plans to return to the palace at the moment.

  He dare not say anything else, even if he does not return to the palace for a year, the world will not be chaotic.

  At night, A Jin cleaned up a room for him and came out.

   "Don't dislike it, Mr. Lu, this house was used by my eldest brother before. It has the best light." The house is clean and clean, and it is the only one that can get the sun.

  Lu Yuezeguang felt awkward when he stood here.

  He went to another room again, it was dark and no light, but the room was cleaned up, and there was no smell of chronically ill people.

  Sure enough, I saw that she took the quilt and came out to find a place to dry.

  Lu Yueze had never seen this kind of life, and saw that she pinched a handful of green onions from the ground and beaten two eggs.

  Thinking about it, although she still keeps her filial piety, Young Master Lu is here to help.

  He cut a few slices of bacon for an unprecedented time, and soon, a pot in the stove room was filled with a strong fragrance.

  A Jin is holding a bowl of plain noodles, and the king is holding a large bowl.

  The bowl is bacon noodles, there are scrambled eggs with green onions on the noodles, and a few green vegetables.

   is the food he will never see in his life.

  Each of his dishes is carefully prepared by the Royal Kitchen.

  At this moment, he was holding the bowl and sucking a big mouthful, and suddenly he felt a little relieved in his heart.

  This is probably the happiness of ordinary people.

  After eating, I saw A Jin go to incense.

The    tablet is still Aunt Lin, Brother Lin, and an incense burner. And a monument without words.

   "This was burned to our Majesty the King. You don't know, we couldn't survive the whole family."

   "It's the king who married his younger sister. My family got two red envelopes and got sixty taels of silver before saving my mother." That time her mother was seriously ill and almost couldn't make it.

   Leaning on the red envelope, I was surprised to live more than a year.

   Seeing his tablet, the king touched his nose.

  (End of this chapter)

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