The Savior is just a 3-Year-Old

Chapter 1560: Shijia Reborn Son

   Chapter 1560

At the moment when his vitality dissipated, Jiang Huailu was in the 33rd heaven.

   Seems to be aware of it.

  Lulu was startled, and gently pursed his lips, seeming to sigh.

   "Don't be sad." Lu Huaijiang took her hand.

  Since she became a god, she seems to be no more happy than before.

"If I can, I really want to be an ordinary couple with you for the rest of my life. I work every day at sunrise and at sunset, living my life without rush or restlessness. Occasionally, after the quarrel, you will still make a delicious meal for me. Dinner, the days are plain but warm." Lu Huaijiang whispered.

   "We raise a few children together, never leave and not be absent. Such an ordinary day is an unattainable dream for our family."

  Lulu seemed to be attracted by those days, just thinking about it, the corners of his mouth wore a smile.

   smiled and smiled, and the smile brought bitterness.

   "But fate, just caught our family's wool."

  The two looked at each other, and both laughed bitterly.

   "I can't find her trace, I don't know where she is going, or even if she was born, it's really clueless."

  Lulu was at a loss for a moment.

  Tiandao really left her a mess.

  "Wait for it to return to its place, it must be relieved of its duties." Lulu shook his head.

  She is now catching the ducks on the shelves, except for her, no one can support this small world.

   "Okay, I'll be with you." Lu Huaijiang said with a smile.

  Seeing that the sadness between her eyebrows has disappeared, so she feels relieved.

  He just wants his girl to be happier.

  The days when the two were in the world, now that they want to come, is the most lively memory.

  Day by day, after Ren Wang got married, he gave birth to a pair of sons with Lin Fujin.

  Chang is the prince.

  Originally, the royal family gave birth to twin men, but one person was to be executed.

  But the king is not a pedantic temperament, and he is confident that the two children will not fight for the throne.

  The crown prince was determined on the day of birth.

  At the time of the full moon ceremony, they were not more than half of them.

  Only the Tiandao family secretly came down for a small gathering.

   even stayed in the palace for half a month with Emperor Lu Youyou.

  At that time, people walked with wind.

   What makes him even more happy is that he was born with a determined heart and will not act like a baby.

  But the two sons who are just learning words are extremely flexible and transparent. I just turned one year old, and from time to time I thought about Grandma Heaven, Grandpa Heaven, and Auntie...

  It will be called once every two months.

  I can have a reunion dinner from time to time. A few years later, it has become a habit.

  The children in this family are all restrained, but because of the two infants, they reunited.

   And Shijia, when the prince was three years old, gave birth to a son again.

  It is said that General Shi was in tears of anger, and the Shi family was crazy about having a daughter.

  "I must teach her well, I must teach her well, give me a girl. Give birth to a beautiful daughter like Ah Xun." General Shi looked aggrieved.

  He wanted to break what the old monk said.

  No one knows, he actually has selfish motives.

The abbot of Huguo Temple has his own specialties, but in this life, the king of the people has unified the world, and the whole world has risen to peace.

  Heaven is gracious to him and Ah Xun. He grew up with the King of Humans, and now he is a minister of the arm.

  If Shi’s Jurchen is fulfilled in this life, he will be able to keep her safe.

  When the King of People dies in the future, his connection with the royal family and the way of heaven will become thinner.

  Shi’s daughter, if it is true, what should be done?

At   , the general's hair was almost white.

  (End of this chapter)

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