The Savior is just a 3-Year-Old

Chapter 1563: Dead like going home

   Chapter 1563 Dead is almost the same as going home

  Across the country, the average age is only 50 or 60 years old.

  The old lady lived for more than eighty, nearly ninety, which is indeed a joy or mourning.

  Besides, Jiang Huaian and others have a way out. Knowing the old lady's lifespan early in the morning, she had all her wishes before she died.

  Almost no regrets.

  Whether you are alive or leaving, you are satisfied.

  Farewell to life and death, the saddest part is not parting.

  It is regret.

   Regret the unresolved thoughts, unexplained thoughts, and these are not taken up by the old lady.

  The maid serving the old lady cried silently, and almost fainted from crying.

  The grizzled old woman beside her was just red with red eyes.

  "Don't cry, the old lady still needs to take care of the funeral." The mother sighed.

  The maidservant blushed with eyes full of indignation and said, "Sister, how can you be so cruel? The old ancestors were so kind to the maidservant, you didn't even cry."

  The old woman gave her a blank expression.

  "Your grandmother died at the age of sixty-two. She was ten years younger than the old lady. When she was serving the old lady, she said she would serve the old lady until she was old, and she wanted to send her off. As a result? Your grandmother died."

   "Your mother worked in the mansion when she was a teenager, and the year before last, your mother also died."

   "This year you are nineteen... The old lady has been through your family for three generations, who is crying?" The mother was expressionless, and her mother was also the old lady.

  Don’t say anything else, the old people in the mansion all said they wanted to send the old lady off. result……

  The old lady lives longer than the people in Manfuzi.

  It's not always certain who is crying.

The cry of the maid    stopped abruptly.

  This is... a bit embarrassing.

   Turning his head again, he saw that the Jiang family did not see much sadness.

  Only red eyes.

   "Who will pick up the old lady? Can you meet the ancestors of the Jiang family?" She heard the lady ask.

  Master Jiang whispered, "Father is here to pick it up, and mother can see it if she wants to."

  In that tone, it's almost as free as going home.


sorry for disturbance.

  Forget about your awesome back door!

  The funeral of the Jiang family is finished, and the prince is already seven years old.

  Originally, the king was about to abdicate, but he is in his prime of life. How can the Manchu civil and military agree?

  After knowing the thoughts of King King, they were crying and crying while holding King King’s thigh.

   Before the King of Humanity left, she heard that the Queen Empress was pregnant with a second child.

  Pregnant women shouldn’t be tossing about it, and the king finally died out.

  Manchu civil and military are grateful to the queen.

  A few years ago, I tried to send beauties to the palace, but every time the queen hadn’t spoken, his majesty got angry first.

  Send one to die and one pair to die.

  Renwang is not easy to talk.

  Everyone had to give up.

  As the prince grows up and gradually reveals his talent, they will know that there will be a successor.

  Suddenly feel relieved.

   Knowing that the queen was pregnant with a second child, General Shi sighed deeply.

  He doesn't even think about picking up the family anymore, he just wonders if he can give birth to a daughter of the time.

  When he was still in power, he gave birth to a daughter of time.

   Peacefully spent the presided over the catastrophe.

  But this time, I look forward to his eldest son getting married and giving birth to an eldest grandson. There has never been a half daughter in the Shi family.

At the time of   , the general's hair was already grey.

  "Son or daughter?" This is the birth of the little daughter-in-law.

  The general guarded in the yard expectantly.

   General four sons, now the eldest son has given birth to two sons, the son has one son, three sons and one son, the younger daughter-in-law just gave birth today.

   "Congratulations, General Hexi, gave birth to a big fat boy!"

  (End of this chapter)

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