The Savior is just a 3-Year-Old

Chapter 162: The heartache of the savior

  Chapter 162 The Savior’s Heartache

   "You are such a big savior, are you very powerful?"

   "Come to your own hall, but you have to walk up on two legs?"

   "Walking in the crowd, is it that you have to bow your head when people see you?"

   "Or do you still say you are not taller than my waist?"

  Lu Huaijiang's evil and enchanting four questions, when the proud little girl was about to ask.

  The little girl's plain-white fingers stretched out to point to Lu Huaijiang, you, you, you stammered for a long time without speaking.

  Lu Huaijiang can understand why this little girl dare not reveal her identity.

   Such a great ability is given to the gods, and mortals will have respect and fear.

   But if this ability is in the hands of a four-year-old girl.

  Don't say that mortals have two hearts, I am afraid that the first person who does not recognize it is the Lu family! !

  How can the world be controlled by foreigners?

  I’m afraid it’s really going to reveal his identity, and it’s not the Hall of Salvation that I am chasing that day. But who can own this little girl, put her under house arrest, and gain the world.

  Before she was unable to resist the malice of the world, it was safest to act in this way.

   But he just wanted to bully her, Lu Huaijiang pursed his lips maliciously.

   "Your waist is high because you have a long upper body and a short lower body!" Xiao Huailu puffed up his cheeks and looked at him angrily.

  This is anxious, as if he is about to jump.

   "I am the most powerful savior, I am what I am!"

  "I can make this world black as black, white as white, black and white. I can bring the world back to normal. I can kill evil spirits, resist demons, and return the world to peace!"

"I want evil to be afraid of me, I want evil spirits to hear my name, and I will be frightened. I want this world not to close at night, I want justice in this world, and I want this world to rise to peace!" The little girl blushed, righteous. Roared righteously.

   Although the little girl is very young, she has serious eyes in her watery eyes.

  The aura almost forced Lu Huaijiang to retreat.

she was……

  Everything he thinks goes against him.

"You are a four-year-old child who thinks about governing the world so simple. Now you are in the deserted capital, all around you are shrouded in mist, and the royal family has never done anything. Have you ever imagined that you, a four-year-old child, will be an enemy of the world. , Want to be an enemy of the court?" Lu Huaijiang said with a low smile, without the meaning of teasing.

  Jiang Huailu pressed his lips tightly, his eyes were thick and serious.

  "This matter is my mission, and no one can stop it!" After finishing speaking, she paused: "Catch the thief first!" The little girl's tone was extremely serious.

  As long as she catches the big evil, everything will be solved.

  Lu Huaijiang is looking at Jiang Huailu for the first time. Although she is young, when she grows up, Huang Du will never be able to trap her again.

   "I believe you are the savior who can return the world to clarity." At the age of four, such courage is a gift from heaven.

  Lu Huaijiang couldn't help but glanced at her high.

  Jiang Huailu's chin slightly raised, slightly arrogant.

  Besides, there was a sudden "Ga..."

  Jiang Huailu statures for a while.

  I only saw the little savior who had just smashed the sky by Lao Tzu, his eyes widened, his face full of disbelief.

  A long neck protruded from behind.

   "Gah..." A fat and big goose suddenly flapped its wings towards her.

  This big goose was sent by the pilgrims just before the tribute. At this moment, it broke free for some reason, and flew straight towards Jiang Huailu.

  Jiang Huailu wowed and pulled Lu Huaijiang's trouser legs in horror.

  In an instant, he climbed up along the trouser legs.

  Lu Huaijiang? I was shocked by your ambition just now! ! I almost lied to you!

   Turned his head and let the big goose break the power.

  Jiang Huailu looked panicked and his nose bubbling.

  No one stipulates that the savior is not afraid of the big goose.

  "I, I, I, before I save the world, can you save me first?" After saying that, he chuckled on the expressionless Lu Huaijiang's face. Heaven is unfair, let her blow this bull out anyway!

  In an instant, Lu Huaijiang seemed to be numb all over his body.

  It seems that something is pulling him with great force, trying to pull his soul away!

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  (End of this chapter)

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