The Savior is just a 3-Year-Old

Chapter 173: She is the fate of phoenix

  Chapter 173 She is Phoenix's Fate

No one answered Jiang Huailu's question for her.

  The old lady Jiang was full of sorrow, she seemed to be full of guilt, and she seemed extremely unbearable.

  I don’t know if she is really guilty, or if she is showing it to outsiders.

  Yao also knew that this matter was perverse, and when the master entered the door, she let someone close the door of Li's house.

"First put on the happy clothes, and in half an hour, the little son's ghost will return to the mansion. Now the Yin Soldiers patrol every day, following life and death. The ghost is not allowed to come back and show up. I will cover the Yin Soldier's eyes and ears later. , So that the little son can return to the house and show up."

  Master paused: "This matter is unconventional, the original way..."

  Yao quickly answered: “Master, you don’t have to worry, the woman understands it. When this matter is over, you must ask for an amnesty for the master.”

  Li Jiawen's family, there are people in the DPRK and China, and now there are people who match up.

  It’s just that the four-year-old child is involved.

Master    held a piece of red paper: "Is this the child's fate?" He watched as he walked, but just after two steps, his brows frowned.

  Yao was looking at the door worriedly, seeing that the master's face changed slightly, and couldn't help asking: "Master, what's wrong?"

  Master is slightly startled.

   "This is the child, right?" The master squatted down and looked at the child carefully. The more he looked at it, the more shocked he became.

   "No, this child should have died prematurely. She should have died before your son, how could it be such a fate?" The master's heart was slightly shaken, this is clearly a dead fate.

The old lady Jiang was taken aback, but Jiang Huaiying pressed her lips tightly.

Isn't it   ? Jiang Huailu in the previous life died before the age of four, and it was all because of her that she changed her life.

   "This child should have died before the age of four. His mother died, and his father and brother had to live in hardship." This master has some skills, but the more he is, the more frightened.

   "Nonsense, my son is doing a good job!" The old lady moved a little angrily.

   Although she can't see Xia, the eldest son still loves her.

   "But there is a suspicion of denying people? But a few days ago, the master did not look like this when you saw each other?" Yao immediately changed his face. If he wanted to deny people, wouldn't it have harmed Chen'er and Li family.

  The old lady Jiang's complexion changed drastically. Could it be Jiang Huai's family of Luke Jiang? Otherwise, how could the Jiang family always be unlucky?

The master shook his head slightly: "Last time I saw this horoscope, but I didn't face each other. I only know that this fate is peculiar, either premature death or disability. I thought that I had escaped a catastrophe and got a disability. But now I saw her face and realized that it was not ."

   "Her life is extremely high and expensive. If she can't bear it, she will suffer some difficulties. If she can't bear it, she will die."

   "It stands to reason that her family should have been unable to bear and was defeated, and she would also die prematurely. But now, her face..."

  "There is a faint golden light, if you stare carefully, you will still hear a bit of phoenix..." When Fengming said, the master suddenly felt cold and he knew that he could not speak any more, so he closed his mouth.

   "This child, the future will be unspeakable." Rao was the master, and couldn't help taking a step back.

   "This woman is married, I'm afraid I can't make it." The master was shocked. He actually saw the man of the Phoenix in the deserted capital!

  After this world, the top female example.

How can it be!

Master    was so shocked that his face turned pale.

  Lao Shi Jiang was also bluffed. Jiang Huailu’s fate is amazing, and it will be even more expensive in the future. What happened today...

  杳's heart is constantly ups and downs, this is an overwhelming atmosphere.

  If it is included in the Li family tree and on the inscription on her son, wouldn’t it be the luck of the Li family?

  Yao’s excited eyes flushed.

    Chuanchuan’s recommendation ticket is in the top ten, please everyone. Ask for a referral ticket during the free period, and ask for a monthly pass after it’s on the shelves. Don’t forget it... If Chuanchuan is not on the shelves, give the recommended ticket to Chuanchuan, if Chuanchuan is on the shelf, give the monthly pass to Chuanchuan, okay... …



  (End of this chapter)

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