The Savior is just a 3-Year-Old

Chapter 186: Sky fire burning

  Chapter 186 Skyfire Burns

  Following that scream, everyone looked up at Yaoyao night sky.

  The night in the deserted capital is always silent.

  But at this moment, it exploded.

   "What is flying down?"

   "Something fell from the sky, did it come towards our deserted capital?"

   "Run away, it's sky fire, sky fire! Sky fire is coming towards Huangdu, it's sky fire!" A sharp cry sounded, awakening the entire Huangdu.

  The lights were lit all around, and the dark long street lit up instantly, like a long dragon.

   "Have you noticed that there is no patrol tonight? Where did the errands go?"

  The people in the deserted capital who finally got a bit of peace. At this moment, they saw that there was no shame on the long street, and they saw the sky fire, and the people knelt on the ground.

   "We are the city of exile. We made a big mistake, and we deserve to die. Please God forgive the children and the innocent children."

   "I feel the heat, and the sky fire is getting closer and closer."


   There were screams everywhere, and the people in the outer city fled toward the outside of the city in a hurry.

  The soldiers guarding at the gate of the city looked tense, and the fire came towards the deserted city that day like a broken bamboo. At this moment, I was getting closer, and I could feel the scorching heat of the sky, and the soldiers held their weapons tightly in their hands, looking at the refugees with dread.

   "Back, everyone back!"

  "The city of exile, if there is no special amnesty, you can't leave for half a minute!" The guardsman drew his sword away, and pointed the tip of the sword to the sky.

   "Everyone backs away, don't get close to half a minute! Take a step out of the city gate and kill without mercy!"

  The soldiers drew out the knives together.

  The people in the outer city looked panicked, and the old and the young knelt down at the gate of the city.

  "I ask the general for mercy, I ask the general for mercy. We have no intention to escape, the sky is going to burn the city!" The people were terrified, and countless people piled up at the gate of the city.

   "God wants to kill us exiled criminals who committed big mistakes, God wants to kill us!"

  Rao is the warrior who defends the city. All of them are furious, and no one is in awe of God’s anger.

  But today they let the exiled criminals take a step forward, and they will fall to the ground in the next day.

   There is a stalemate on both sides, and the people have been in exile for many years, although the city gate officers did not allow them to enter or leave on weekdays. However, there was no Salvation Hall before, and soldiers patrolled every day to maintain law and order while also resisting evil spirits.

   There was a stalemate on both sides. At this moment, some people pointed at the flowing fire in the sky and their eyes widened.

   "Look, the sky fire leaped over the outer city and landed in the inner city."

  "The fire of heaven fell on the inner city!" The people in the outer city pointed to the inner city in shock.

  I saw that the moment the fire fell to the ground, a raging fire ignited, as if it could burn everything.

  The flames soaring into the sky.

   "Send someone to put out the fire immediately." The general frowned. The fire that day, why, all fell in the same place?

  A group of soldiers hurried away, and one of them happened to be from the Fang family.

  The people in the outer city feel a little at ease.

  At this moment, the inner city was panicked, but most of the people in the inner city came from the court. After all, I have experienced wind and frost, but I have never escaped in a hurry.

   just secretly transferred all the children and grandchildren among the people in the outer city.

  City Lord Yang did not have time to eat dinner, so everyone called out.

   "City Lord, something is wrong, Tianhuo actually went to the Li's house on the second street of the inner city. All the Tianhuo fell on the Li's house!"

  City Lord Yang led people towards Li's house.

  At this moment, Jiang Huaiying looked pale when he saw the place where the sky fire fell.

  (End of this chapter)

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