The Savior is just a 3-Year-Old

Chapter 222: The savior generally doesn't lie

  Chapter 222 The savior generally does not lie

  Jiang Huaian almost rushed into the hall.

   Push open the door of the hall.

  The methods of this group of thieves are extremely cruel, but all those who encounter resistance on the road are brutally tortured to death.

  In just one month, Huang lost 20 or 30 young girls.

  Those who were killed were all murdered with extremely cruel methods.

   is not vicious.

  Everyone thought they were going to face this tragedy, and even many people had already half-supported Xia's face. Xia's face was pale with fright.


  There was a loud noise in the house, like the sound of a plate overturning.

  Everyone slammed open the door...

  It was terrible in the house.

  The table was overturned to the ground, the floor was covered with fragments, the tea cup was torn apart, and the soup on the table overflowed.

   "Lulu." Xia cried and rushed forward and held her daughter in her arms, shaking with fright.

  Jiang Huailu secretly belched and wiped his mouth with his mother’s sleeve.

   grinning like a second fool.

  Jiang Huaian checked his sister carefully, but he was relieved that he didn't notice the slightest injury.

   "Lulu, where is the man in the house just now?" There was still a bit of blood in the house, I was afraid that he had brought someone back to capture him, and then ran away in a hurry.

  Jiang Huaian gave a dark hate, **** it!

  A flash of misery flashed in his eyes.

   "He." Lulu paused and glanced at the embarrassing scene in the house.

   Just now, she forgot to eat, and she ate on the table. After eating too much, she turned the table over.

   "Uh. He left after eating. Lulu didn't know why he spilled over eating. He even overturned the table." The little girl was honest.

   "He may be that the food is not to his appetite." Xiaolulu secretly hiccuped again.

  The little milk baby blushed and covered her mouth, her eyes trickling.

  Young Master Fang is also in the guard: "Fortunately, you girl is fine. Otherwise, your brother will be uneasy in this life."

"The culprit was discovered by your brother. It was also hurt by your brother, I'm afraid it will poison your brother. Although I don't know why I let you go, but you girl will not be separated from you in the future." Everyone studied secretly. The group was narrow-minded and arrested people purposefully and systematically.

  Jiang Huaian is full of hatred this time, so you have to be careful of the other party seeking revenge.

  Jiang Huaian looked at his sister suspiciously: "Lulu, what you said is true? Nothing else?" Jiang Huaian knows Lulu too much. This little girl covers her mouth and turns her eyes drippingly. Isn't it a sign of a guilty conscience?

  The two small horns on Jiang Huailu's head swayed straight: "No, Lulu never lied." The moment she lied, her name was... Niu Colulu.

  Jiang Huaian looked at her suspiciously: "Did you steal the food?"

  Little Huailu swayed his hands slightly and shook his head straight: "Lulu didn't eat, not a bite." After speaking, he pressed his mouth tightly, and secretly made a muffled hiccup.

  Her face turned red.

  Xia explained it for her: “Today’s dinner was at Zhou’s house, and she didn’t eat it since she came back. This mother can testify to this.”

  Jiang Huailu nodded solemnly.

  The group saw that there was no trace to be found, and at the moment it was getting bright again, they took the lead to leave. Jiang Huaian just changed shift.

  As for the Jiang family begging him to save Jiang Huaiying, it is his duty to save others, but he will not fight for his own life.

  Until everyone was gone, Jiang Huaian suddenly said quietly, “Lulu, the lamb tonight is a bit fatty and salty, isn’t it?”

  Jiang Huai's deer head didn't even return, and reflexively replied: "Neither salty nor salty, soft and delicious, fat and thin, neither salty nor light, just right."

  As soon as I finish talking...

   suddenly covered his mouth and ran away in horror.

  Hey, her brother has also changed.

    has advanced to the second round, but the third round is a bit overwhelming. Please everyone, this book has been praised continuously, the recommendation ticket looks good, and the follow-up reading is also good, but the collection does not look good! Chuanchuan wants to go a little bit forward so that everyone can see our deer...please, please. Ask for comments and recommended tickets, the recommended tickets are currently in seventh place, don’t fall down...By the way, book a monthly ticket for next week, hehe



  (End of this chapter)

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