Chapter 224 Bait

  Rao was mentally prepared for Xia, and at this moment, he was choked with saliva and coughed again and again.

  Her eldest son has always been a calm and serious son.

   At this moment, Lanhua pointed her finger up, and a small smile appeared at the corner of her mouth: "Mother, do you think I am beautiful?"

  Under the night, Xia almost got angry.

   "Hahahahaha..." Jiang Huailu woke up from a squeaky doze, and Xiao Chuan put his hands on his cheeks and happily said, "Sister Huai'an, Sister Huai'an, I have a sister."

  Jiang Huai'an was flushed with her smile, and she secretly glanced at Jiang Huailu.

  Smelly girl, you come out to eat supper at night, and you catch a mouse and leave footprints. See if I will cover for you next time!

   Seeing the bad eyes of the old brother, Xiao Huailu opened her hands and silently covered her mouth.

  Hey, I blame this gluttonous mouth.

  Why doesn't her future father-in-law come to pick her up yet.

  No one cares about her eating and drinking when she gets married, and the mother doesn’t have to worry about smashing her hands.

   Her mother said, if she is too fat, she is afraid that she will not be able to marry. Then she has to make an appointment earlier and go out earlier so that she can eat with confidence.

  Anyway, she married out and couldn’t return the goods. Even if she gained weight, it’s no wonder she was raised by her husband.

  She is so smart.

  Xiao Huailu looked resentful, but the Xia clan put her on the ground and walked quickly to Jiang Huaian: "My son, who gave you this bad idea?"

Jiang Huaian couldn't help holding his forehead with a wry smile: "Mother, I really rely on a group of little girls. I'm afraid that the sheep will get into the tiger's mouth. You can only put people in the bait. The whole team is just your son's delicate brows and looks like a person in women's clothing."

   "I picked one more, that is, Brother Fang."

   "There is also the Wen family, the richest man. Although the Wen family girl is weak, she is a weak woman, but she has the heart to help the weak. Looking for another one now, I'm afraid it will be almost the same."

  In fact, some virgin boys were lost before, but now the whole city is on guard, and the other party is afraid of arresting men for fear of being sneaked in.

   can only be transformed into women's clothing.

  Xia's lips moved, and it took a long time before he sighed, as if he had compromised.

"Huai'an, you and Lulu are both a piece of meat from your mother. Mother has never favored one another. Mother knows that you have ambitions and ideals. You can stand in the desert, and you have paid hardships that ordinary people can't imagine. Come back, my mother won't stop you. I just want you to think about it, this light at home will be kept for you until you go home. "No matter how far you go, my mother is waiting for you behind you.

  Jiang Huaian's eyes are reddish: "Yes."

   His eyes looked at Lulu, gentle and firm.

  Huai'an also wants to give Niang and Lulu a sense of stability.

  People in the deserted capital, can't rely on the sky, can't rely on the ground, can't rely on the father, he can only fight for the future with his life.

  Early the next morning, Jiang Huaian was picked up by someone in a sedan chair to Wen's house.

  He became Miss Wen Jiabiao.

"Lulu, today the Wen family is celebrating the birthday of the eldest daughter. We have invited some little sisters to celebrate. Young Master Yang will come to pick you up later, you are not allowed to follow your brother and Miss Wen, you know?" I wish I could hold the child in my hand all the time.

   "Mother, you know. Brother is not allowed to be called brother today, but sister." Xiao Huailu looked forward to it. She really wanted to see her brother's women's clothing.

   In fact, the Xia family is not willing to go to this Hongmen banquet.

   But now Lulu and Miss Wen Jia have a very good relationship, but it has spread.

  It is inevitable that the other party is suspicious of not taking the bait, Xia can only bite the bullet and bring the child to the banquet.

  But Xiao Huailu is a little suspicious.

    Fifth, Chong Duck...



  (End of this chapter)

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