The Savior is just a 3-Year-Old

Chapter 274: Vaguely disliked

  Chapter 274 Vague Dislike

  Lu Jinghong's face instantly turned pale and terrible.

  As if the whole body's blood had coagulated, it was pulled away instantly.

  He panted heavily, stiff, shivered, and looked at him in horror.

  Lu Huaijiang didn't say anything, only took a small snack from the table. Kneeling down and feeding Jiang Huailu one mouthful at a time: "Would you like some tea?" Although the voice was somewhat cold, anyone could hear the gentleness.

   "What's wrong with you Jinghong? This is Brother Lu, Lulu's friend." Yang Dianfeng hurriedly helped him when he saw that his face was pale and terrifying.

  As soon as he approached, I felt that he was shaking badly.

   "Don't touch me!" Lu Jinghong slapped Yang Dianfeng's hand reflexively.

   "What are you doing? They are all boys, so stingy." Yang Dianfeng was a little unhappy.

  Lu Jinghong came back to his senses and looked at Lu Huaijiang cautiously. But he found that he squatted in front of the little girl casually, his eyebrows were not hostile, and he took the handkerchief and wiped the debris between the little girl's lips little by little.

   "He, is his surname Lu?" Lu Jinghong's tone trembled slightly, and tears came out of his eyelashes.

   "Yes, Brother Lu's parents are dead, and they are helpless in the wilderness, so they will spend the New Year with us." Xiao Huailu explained.

   "Did you admit the wrong person? My dad kneeled when he saw him."

  Jiang Huailu blinked his eyes, why everyone saw Brother Lu Jiang as if they had seen a ghost.

"Brother Lu was born in the deserted capital, and grew up in the deserted capital. His father and mother died young and are an orphan. You can't bully him. He is my person." Xiao Huailu looked like a fierce milk with hands on hips, cheeks bulging .

  Lu Huaijiang saw her protecting a calf like this, and the corners of his mouth overflowed with laughter unconsciously.

  It seems that the whole person is softened.

  Lu Jinghong stroked his chest lightly, carefully observing the son in front of him. The eyebrows are roughly similar to the one, but when you look closely, this young man squatted beside the little girl with a smile on his face, and even gently wiped the corners of her mouth.

  This kind of person, this would be Lu Huaijiang!

  Lu Huaijiang, that is a demon who kills without seeing blood!

  Lu Jinghong breathed a sigh of relief, then waved his hand with a pale face. He forced a smile on his face: "I admitted my mistake. Jinghong thought it was an old acquaintance. Also, he is still lying down in the capital." Surrounded by the three layers inside and outside, how could he be in the deserted capital.

  It's just that she still feared that face, and didn't dare to get close to Lu Huaijiang.

  Naturally, he did not dare to approach Jiang Huailu.

  "Then you can recommend me another day. I heard that the Salvation Hall can get rid of evil spirits, and I don't know when Da Zhou can restore Qingming. That is the blessing of the people." Lu Jinghong looked at Young Master Yang affectionately.

   "I heard that there is still a mortal in the Hall of Salvation. I really want to see it."

  Yang Dianfeng shook his head.

"It's no use to go. My dad is not touched by the wealth and power of the world. He is not touched at all. Only when he sees Lulu, his face is excellent, and Lulu has the ability." Yang Dianfeng winked at Lulu. He didn't reveal at all that Lulu was the savior.

  He is stupid, but he is not stupid.

  Lu Jinghong smiled and looked at Lulu in surprise.

   seems very curious.

  Jiang Huailu played for a while, only to feel bored. Strangely, Lu Huaijiang noticed her impatience for the first time.

   Suddenly his eyes are thought-provoking.

  Lulu is a polite child, rarely so impatient.

   "Mrs. Xia is afraid that after the visit, I will take Lulu back to the front yard first." Without a word, Lu Huaijiang was about to go out with Lulu.

  Yang Dianfeng also wanted to keep up, but Lu Jinghong pulled his sleeves.

  (End of this chapter)

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