Chapter 278

"Today is the first day of the Lunar New Year. It is rare for Fu to make a good table. On the first day of the new year, the old lady was lying on the bed and could not say that she could not move. Come to the table. I think it was Qi Fu who deceived her, and he deceived her before marrying in."

  "Fu is not a soft-tempered person." Xia silently added a sentence after hearing it.

   "The old lady didn't say anything, she just lay on the bed and cried silently. Father and second uncle went to coax them when they saw it, and the old lady cried more and more."

   "My second uncle and Genji accused me of two sentences..."

   "Fu's got started."

  At the time, Fu's original words were, I can’t eat it, no one wants to eat it. When a table of dishes was about to be overturned to the ground. The ancestors' tablets were all knocked to the ground.

   Then pointed to the old lady: "Don't mention filial piety to me, the old should be truthful, and the young ones should be filial."

  "Do you always think that I am not worthy of your son? You can hold your son behind to cry, and you will give him a blow?"

"You hit him once, and I'll fight him. I have the strength to get used to it. It's not necessarily who gets beaten." In front of the old lady and the whole family, she rolled Jiang Yubai with a stick. The nosebleed was running straight.

  The old man passed out with anger.

  The old lady couldn't talk, and couldn't move, lying on the bed and yelling.

  Shit and urine are all **** off.

   "The Jiang family's life is not easy. The wicked have their own wickedness, and now I am afraid that I know how good my mother is." Xiao Huailu leaned on the table, smiling with crooked eyes.

   also picked up the golden naked child and bit in his mouth.

  Lu Huaijiang gave her a dark look.

  I poured a glass of water and rinsed her mouth before sitting on her knees with her hugging.

   "Is your grandfather okay? The Jiang family finally settled down, the old man..." The Xia clan is still a little bit intolerant to the old man now.

"When my son came back, my grandfather was already sober. I also hired a doctor for the family, and the money was given to my grandfather alone. Whether it was the Fu family or the old lady, it was unreliable after all." Jiang Huaian couldn't help but be speechless, but fortunately his mother left the river Home is fast, otherwise there is no peaceful life now.

  Xia gave a hum, thinking about taking care of the old man occasionally, she can’t manage that much.

   "Lulu, you should go to sleep. You should go back to the academy in two days. Don't forget the schoolwork assigned by the master." After Xia said, he took Lulu back to wash up.

  When Xiao Huailu fell asleep on the bed, Lu Huaijiang had already left the house.

   Before dawn the next day, I hurried back.

  No one knows where he went.

   "Lulu, get up early. Young Master Yang will be waiting for you before dawn. I have eaten several bowls of this tea. I also brought a well-behaved little girl, quiet and quiet."

  Lulu is still growing and sleeping late in his 30s.

  Busy to visit the Yang family on the first morning of the New Year’s Day, the Jiang family’s life has a great relationship with the Yang family, and the Xia family is a grateful person.

  Naturally take the deer to pay a New Year’s greeting.

  Today, I planned to let Lulu get more sleep, but I never thought that Young Master Yang would come before dawn with a beautiful girl.

  The little girl was sweet-mouthed, and she said a lot when she came.

  Xiao Huailu has sleepy eyes and can't open his eyes, and his small face is round and cute.

  Xia dragged her, and put her clothes on when she was half asleep and half awake.

When   was awake, she had already washed her and stood at the door.

   "Yang Dianfeng, what do you want to find me when the sky is falling?" With a bang, the little guy got up and kicked the door open with a black face.

   "The sky is falling, and the evil spirits are not allowed to call me!" Hearing the voice, they gritted their teeth.

   I'm here to ask for a monthly pass again, is Chuanchuan earlier now? Hey, Chuanchuan is now the number one in the new book monthly ticket list. I beg you, all of you, must help Chuanchuan keep the throne...



  (End of this chapter)

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