The Savior is just a 3-Year-Old

Chapter 281: Lulu is silly, white and sweet

  Chapter 281 Lulu is silly and sweet

  The Temple of Salvation is extremely prosperous today.

  However, the guards are tight along the way, and the people are a little restrained.

  It is not that no nobles come to incense in the ordinary days, but the people do not have such great feelings.

  Today, this guard is not from Huangdu at first glance.

  This is from outside.

  A person who can pass through the foggy forest and is still rampant in the wilderness with great fanfare, where can the small people who were exiled from their ancestors be able to provoke?

  Everyone avoided.

  Chu Liang still lives in the ancestral house at the foot of the mountain.

  City Lord Yang previously proposed to repair his ancestral house, but Chu Liang refused. Don't accept anyone's favors, eat only the food you bring every day, or just accept everything in the Salvation Hall.

  The outside world is not irritated.

   "Let's go to see the sun travel **** like this? Didn't it mean that he is now a **** appointed by the gods in the world? Let's bring some gifts to see him? Jinghong beware of being too rude." Lu Jinghong looked at Yang Dianfeng.

   "Furthermore, the pinnacle is the son of the city lord, so it is not easy to offend the **** of the day."

  Yang Dianfeng didn't care: "No. What gifts to bring. As long as there is Lulu, you don't need to bring anything." Yang Dianfeng didn't tell Lu Jinghong, he was actually Lulu's little attendant.

  It's not that he is watching out for Lu Jinghong, he is really afraid that Lu Jinghong will **** his number one brother.

  Lu Jinghong only then responded with a smile.

   "I also heard that the **** of heaven does not accept mortal gifts, so I have to ask. I heard that he never associates with the people in the deserted city. It's really rare."

  This will go right down to the foot of the mountain.

Although there are many people in the Hall of Salvation, because of the strict guards, many people only walked around the Chuliang ancestral house at the foot of the mountain.

   did not go up the mountain.

   "He doesn't make friends with others, but Lulu is an exception. If you don't believe it, just look at it." Yang Dianfeng blinked mysteriously. Lu Jinghong hesitated to speak and stopped, just in time to see the village, and quickly followed.

  Since the village had the Hall of Salvation and Chu Liang, the village has now expanded several times in size.

  Expanded the surrounding mountains as much as possible, and since then it has been sheltered.

  Entering the village is a huge and obvious plaque.

  There is still red silk hanging on it.

  "Is it here to pay homage to Riyoushen? Riyoushen does not accept worship and can only take a look outside the courtyard."

   "But there is a big incense burner in the middle of the village. He has permission to place it. Can I buy some scented wax paper money?" When entering the village, the old lady with chicken skin and crane hair brought a bundle of scented wax paper money and put it together. One stack was exactly one.

  Lu Huaijiang protects the deer, and people who see him do not dare to approach him.

   had to surround Yang Dianfeng and Lu Jinghong.

  Lu Jinghong was scared to tears, and he wanted to hide behind Yang Dianfeng in a panic.

  The bear kid actually yelled: "The money is on my sister. Look at my body, I can't get the money." After that, he wanted to run.

  The old lady held him by her hand like a chicken paw: "You look like a figure with no money?"

  My belly is bulging.

  Yang Dianfeng grinned: "I'll eat everything if I have money."

   took the opportunity to escape, leaving Lu Jinghong to clean up the mess in horror.

  Lu Huaijiang couldn't hold down the corner of his mouth, and slightly curled his lips.

   "Silly Baitian should look like silly Baitian."

   "What is sweet? Is there any sugar to eat?" Xiaolulu's eyes lit up suddenly, and he was excited.

  Lu Huaijiang is speechless, this is so silly and sweet. But this is silly, white and sweet, but it can change the color of the world...

   Heaven, without eyes.

  Sigh again.

   Damn it!

  (End of this chapter)

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