Chapter 295 Deep and Hot Days

  Little Huailu has a guilty conscience.

  Squeezed with both hands and settled down.

   Immediately put the money given by the ladies and sisters into his pocket, her small face was full of innocence.

   "Sister, my brother recently likes to eat steamed lamb from Yunwailou in Chengdong."

   "He still wants to drink grape juice next door to Yunwailou."

   "Sister, you can also buy some almond cakes when you send snacks. You can't say that Lulu told you." Jiang Huailu smiled, with a face of fear.

  The girls all smiled and touched the top of her head: "What a lovely child, my sister won't report on you, don't worry."

   "But your brother's taste is a bit sweet."

   Xiaolulu smiled, when she came out of the corner, the broken silver in her pocket was already clanging.

   "I'm such a genius. How smart..." Lulu was very happy, and this rich girl was really willing.

  Spend ten taels of silver to buy a man’s preference.

  When these sisters approached her, they scared her to death.

  The girls rushed to her, saying that they wanted to do a big business. But there are some risks.

  She thought she was going to steal her brother's clothes, shoes and socks.

  The little girl bounced out of the academy. When she came out, she realized that Lu Huaijiang seemed to have not appeared all day.

  I don’t know what’s wrong with him. Since his brother’s birthday, he has drunk two glasses of wine together.

  After expressing good wishes to His Royal Highness Lu Huaijiang, his expression has never been right.

  In recent days, the dragon has not seen the end.

  As soon as Xiao Huailu arrived at the door, Jiang's attendant waited at the door.

  Xia bought her a little maid named Taozhi. But Lulu didn't like others to follow her, so she was only responsible for picking up her every day and washing up in the morning.

  On the corner, a man hides in the corner sneakily.

  When I saw Jiang Huailu coming out, he arranged his clothes and strode forward.

  As soon as he approached, Jiang Huailu smelled a strong smell of plaster. It's like a bruise ointment.

  The once high-spirited man, now his eyebrows are full of exhaustion. The thick ink eye circles that can't cover under the eyelids, the eyes are covered with bloodshot eyes.

   "Lulu has gone to school? But I miss Daddy, and Daddy will come to see you when he is on duty." As soon as Jiang Yubai approached, Xiaolulu found that there were traces of powder on his face.

  It is probably because the weather is slightly hot today, the powder halo spread out, and the traces inside are faintly revealed.

  "What's wrong with your cheek?" Xiaolulu pointed at his cheek and let out a cry.

   Jiang Yubai's complexion was slightly stiff, his expression was embarrassed, and his eyes were avoiding.

  I should cook in the second room this morning, but Genji is not very happy. He asked for a day off because of illness, and Fu refused to give up, and fought with Genji.

  Jiang Yuqing asked him to persuade him, but was scratched and hurt by the shrew.

  Now that the old lady met Fu Shi and the mouse met the cat, she shivered constantly when she saw her. Jiang Yubai sighed inwardly. Since the Xia clan left, the Jiang family has disappeared.

  The Jiang family’s life is very hot.

  Even the mother was still holding his hand by the bedside yesterday, crying loudly.

  With the gestures of hands and feet, he could only vaguely see two words, Xia and Lu...

   is making gestures and crying, even he can see the regret in it. But for some reason, there was a hint of fear and anger, probably because of Fu.

   "Daddy got up in the morning and let the cat grab a handful. It's nothing serious." Jiang Yubai didn't want to mention it.

  I don’t know why, but now I’m thinking about Xia’s goodness more and more.

  Xia’s voice and smile are in my mind all day long.

   "That little cat is quite aggressive." Xiao Huailu didn't show any concern for it. Jiang Yubai never discovered that Lulu rarely called him daddy.

  I even thought privately that Lulu would be greedy for his father and son when he was young.

   , Lulu Ganniang, who appears in the article, is the heroine of the previous book.

     A sand sculpture and powerful road to the awakening of the God of Creation.

     The two books are not related and do not affect reading. If you like books of the same type, you can take a look at the name "The man who killed seven fiancées said that I am not going to marry", hahaha, it is indeed a bit of a hindrance, hehe.



  (End of this chapter)

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