The Savior is just a 3-Year-Old

Chapter 304: I will embroider

  Chapter 304 I will embroider in the guild

  The life of Jiang’s family is calm and peaceful.

  Xia had to teach the girls etiquette in the city every day, so he left early.

  Jiang Huaian saw that his sister had finished eating, so he went to the college with her sister.

  "Lulu, how are you learning about embroidery? When you learn, you have to embroider some handkerchiefs for your brother." Jiang Huaian laughed and teased her. My younger sister never took a needle since her ten fingers were bleeding that day.

  On the contrary, her bag, small handkerchief, and skirt have a lot of flowers.

  He even discussed with Xia in private. Could it be that she secretly practiced it?

  A guilty conscience flashed across the little girl's face: "Lulu will not learn. In the future, I will learn from the guild, and he will embroider." Oh, why doesn't Lu Jiang come to propose marriage?

  If she had ordered Lu Jiang early, she would not have to learn embroidery in the future.

  No homework required.

  You can eat whatever you want.

  The little girl's eyes lit up.

  Jiang Huaian waited for such an explanation after waiting for a long time, and his brain buzzed suddenly.

  He doubted that his sister could really marry with such thoughts?

   "Lulu, this... men, most of them don't learn embroidery." Jiang Huaian didn't know how to tell her that men don't learn needle and thread like women.

  I didn’t know that Lulu immediately glared at him when he heard this.

  "Are you lazy and you don't allow others to learn it? It's clear that people learn very well." After speaking, she covered her mouth again, fearing that she would expose her asking brother Lu to propose marriage.

  Fortunately, Jiang Huaian did not pay attention.

   Xiaolulu coughed dryly: "Lulu won't embroider you, I'm afraid you will not use too much." After finishing speaking, she ran away with her schoolbag.

  Jiang Huaian couldn't help but helplessly: "Nonsense, this little guy is getting lazier and lazier. Even trying to make the future father-in-law embroider, it's really... that's it. If you can't marry in the future, your brother will raise it."

   "Speaking of speaking, I have to save more money. I have to prepare a house and shop for her in advance, so I won't worry about eating and drinking in the future." Jiang Huaian couldn't help sighing when he thought of his sister's strength.

  In the future, his sister will get married, and he will never doubt that his brother-in-law will take care of her.

  He was very worried about whether his future brother-in-law could make two moves with her.

  In case of conflict, you have to say it, not the brother-in-law of domestic violence.

  It's hard for him to plan for his sister so early.

  Jiang Huai'an feels tired.

  When he returned to the academy, he discovered that his classmates from the search class were cheating on him.

   "Brother Jiang, you are blessed. Blessed, blessed."

  "Brother Jiang is still very charming, so I admire him." Jiang Huaian looked suspicious.

   When he returned to his seat with his head full of suspicion, he saw several handkerchiefs and shoes on the table. Looking at the fine stitches, I'm afraid the embroidery is good.

   "This, which girl's house gave this, it turned out to be our Jiang brother's favorite color." Feng Yutang couldn't help but make Jiang Huaian's shameful face flushed.

   Jiang Huaian had an ominous premonition, he always felt that he had exposed something.

  Fawn deer is not guilty, not at all.

  Make the best use of everything, this is what her brother taught her. What's wrong with using her brother to shine?

  Little Huailu sat in the school very calmly, with a small smile on her lips.

  In the afternoon, when school is over.

  An unexpected guest came outside the school.

  The carriage parked not far from the academy, it seemed low-key and extravagant. There are copper bells hanging from the four corners of the carriage, looking small and delicate.

  A black-clothed man stood beside the carriage, his eyes faintly familiar.

When Jiang Huailu came out, the man looked at her abruptly.

  (End of this chapter)

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