The Savior is just a 3-Year-Old

Chapter 308: Feast Fawn Deer

  Chapter 308 Feasting the Deer

Fu Shi blinked at her secretly: "Guess? Genji and I are the only two women at home. No man can serve her. Genji wants to take the child, and he doesn't want to be dirty. Now I am willing to take care of her. Wipe her **** and urine."

  Fu raised his brows.

   "Even if every time I serve her, she yells and resists. But what can be done? No one wants to touch her."

  Fu touched the hairpin between the temples.

  This woman, she just wants to be cruel.

  Xia’s was delayed by love, love and love.

   values ​​that man, and abandons the family for him, so naturally he is reluctant to be angry with his mother-in-law and daughter-in-law. Constantly give in, wrong yourself, let the other person live well.

  She is not that kind of person.

  She doesn't love Jiang Yubai, she just thinks he has a promising future. It is the best one she can find in the wilderness, and she can grasp it.

  As long as she has no love in her heart, as long as she is cruel enough, she can get what she wants.

  As for the old lady, she is lying on the bed now, it is not for her to decide.

  Even every time the old lady is pierced with a needle to relieve her hatred, the old lady cries and screams. No one in the Fuzhong took a second look.

   Self-inflicted, cannot live.

   Soon, the carriage arrived at the Dongfeng Tower.

  Dongfeng Tower has been under martial law for a long time, with three guards inside and out. The eldest prince takes himself seriously.

  At this moment, there are many carriages parked outside the building, and Jiang Huaian just got out of the carriage holding Lulu.

  Yang Dianfeng came here.

"Lulu, are you here? Later you will sit with me, I think of a good opportunity to make a fortune. Later I will tell you." Yang Dianfeng smiled, now the gold mine outside the city has been fully dug out, Lulu The wealth in his hands is enormous.

  The famine is almost indigestible, and you have to get out of the famine.

  At exactly this moment, Mr. Jiang looked over, and Jiang Huaian led the Lulu into the building.

  The third floor of Dongfeng Building, the whole was wrapped up by the prince.

  The first floor is empty, everyone is in the attic.

   "Please inside." The shopkeeper personally greeted the guests upstairs, and many people have already arrived upstairs at this moment.

  The Wen family, the Zheng family, the Li family, the Xiao family, the Zhou family, the Yang family, all the people who are ranked in the deserted capital have come.

  The only ones with no power are the Jiang family and Fang family.

   are all people in the deserted capital in the past two years.

   "Lulu follows my brother."

  "Dianfeng also followed my brother." Yang Dianfeng waved his hand to his mother and shrank to the Jiang family's position with Lulu.

  Ms. Zheng is so angry that her teeth are clenching, and it is useless to raise her children! !

  After so many years of begging, I begged for a man to come back. She seriously doubted that she and her husband would be **** off by him in the future.

  Yang Dianfeng was sitting in front of Lulu obediently, not to mention being more obedient.

  The more I look, the more I get more heart-stamped.

   "Lulu will not speak later, so he will stay by his brother." Jiang Huaian took care of his sister and said softly.

Lulu pursed his lips and nodded with a smile.

  In a short time, the eldest prince went upstairs surrounded by everyone.

  Everyone got up to bow, Lulu took advantage of the shortness of people, and she squatted down when others knelt down.

  No one sees it horizontally and vertically.

  The prince wore a navy blue robe, which seemed to be very approachable. There is always a gentle smile on his face, which makes people relax their vigilance unconsciously.

   "You don't need to be polite. All of you are to accompany your majesty, or your ancestors to accompany the first emperor to lay down the country, and the hardworking veterans. Yuan Xiu can't bear it." Lu Yuanxiu personally helped Yang City Lord standing in the front.

  Everyone took advantage of the trend.

  (End of this chapter)

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