The Savior is just a 3-Year-Old

Chapter 355: Because of melons almost destroyed the country

  Chapter 355 Nearly destroying the country because of melons

  Xia's family actually didn't know whether to cry or laugh.

  At this moment, seeing the girl crying because of a sticking tooth, she couldn't help but bend her eyebrows.

"Will you still eat sweets in the future? Let you eat it again. If you don't listen to your mother, you will suffer a lot? Will you not eat it in the future?" Xia didn't hold back a smile, but when she saw her crying, he gave her again. Wiped tears.

  Little Huailu weeping and wiping tears: "I still eat, wait until my teeth grow well."


  Jiang Huaian stayed with his mother and younger sister at the mansion last night. He did not rest this morning and went straight to the Yamen.

   "Your brother will go on duty for the time being, and then take pictures at noon to accompany you on your birthday."

   Jiang Huailu nodded with tears in his eyes.

   "By the way, do you still eat melon? The day before yesterday, you were talking about the Gongguo watermelon." The Xia clan took the deer and walked out the door. Although the house is not big, it has all the internal organs and is very warm.

  There are a lot of flowers and plants in the courtyard, which are well maintained.

  There was a well in the corner. At this moment, Jiang Huailu approached the well, only to find that there were a few melons soaking in the dark.

  The skin of the melon is emerald green, and it looks sweet and delicious.

  "Unfortunately, there is no ice. When I return to Beijing later, my mother will give you some watermelons. I can eat them on ice for comfort."

Lulu thoughtfully pointed to the melon underneath and asked: "Mother, this melon is not unique to Fanbang, it is extremely expensive?"

   "Last time you said that this melon is a tribute, or did you drag the big prince's blessing to send it to Huangdu. Why is it freezing so much this time?" The little girl drooled while looking at the melon.

  Xia's words were a little bit difficult to understand.

   "Lulu, I really made you right. Although the rumors are false, there are some clues in the end, but the mother does not believe it, it is too outrageous." Xia shook his head.

   "You don't know yet? Something happened to Fanbang."

"Panbang is a vast land with sparse population, but the climate is suitable, and the annual output of melons and fruits is excellent, and some unusual fruits that cannot be grown in Da Zhou are often cultivated. Every year, a batch of tribute is selected to the Da Zhou royal family. Last time we made it. City Master Yang only ate two."

"Who knows why something happened in Fanbang some time ago. It is said that the Fanbang royal family has killed many people, seven or eight sons, and most of them died in the palace. Those who died are all the nobles who want to eat melons. "

   "So I invited a high monk to communicate with the evil monk. I don't know what happened, anyway, Pan Bang sent all the melons that he could find in the country to Da Zhou that night."

   "The streets are ruined overnight."

   "Later, folk rumors said that the evil little wife wanted to eat Papang melons. Only then did the melons and fruits be scattered. It's not ridiculous you say? This rumor still believes many people."

  Xia's lips are straight and happy.

"If there is such a good evil, then the woman who marries him can enjoy the blessings. Just to eat melons and destroy the country, you say it is not ridiculous? You really want to destroy the country, and the history books handed down by Fanbang after a thousand years are not laughable. Descendants. Others destroy the country because of the regime change, and Fanbang is for that gulp." Xia’s tears of laughter were about to come out, and in just a few days, it was about Fanbang being threatened by a big evil, and what domineering evil and Xiaojiao’s wife were. The story has been spread all over.

  "You girl is blessed. I thought about eating watermelon a few days ago. It just happened to be your birthday, and this precious melon would be rotten on the street." Xia couldn't help but shook his head.

  The little girl said: "What if the evil spirit destroys the country for the sake of the deer? Huh..."

  (End of this chapter)

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