Chapter 380

   "Grandfather, do you still hate Your Highness?" Lulu was full of sympathy. Wasn't it all Lu Huaijiang's fault that my grandfather suffered?

  I don’t know that the old man’s eyebrows were flying: "Hate before his death. I don’t hate it anymore." He even hummed a little song.

  What do I hate.

  It's impossible for Lu Lengxue, who is despised for a lifetime, to embroider his granddaughter.

   Tit for a tick!

  Master think, his coffin board is almost unable to hold.

   Just want to come out and join in the fun!

  Lulu carefully glanced at his grandfather, always feeling that his grandfather’s little tune was as festive as the New Year.

   "Lulu, work hard, you, have a good life. Grandfather will go down first, and grandfather will be reborn in a few years. You must remember to tell grandfather about the big and small things that happened in Beijing."

  It’s good to have a back door.

  Jiangge old smiled and left, without the slightest sorrow of passing away. On the contrary, humming a little song for joy.

   "That's right. Tell your brother, fix my cemetery better. Burn some difficult chess games, and burn a few more chess friends." Jiang Ge's voice gradually drifted away.

   Jiang Huailu let out a slow cry.

  The jade seal in her hand was hung around her neck casually, turned around and returned to Jiang's house.

   slept for a whole day, and barely awake until night.

When I woke up, the family had already prepared a vegetarian diet, and Xia’s face was exhausted: "Lulu, my mother and brother have been busy these few days. You let Tao Zhi tidy up the valuables in the house, and bury the old man in these few days. We have to leave for Beijing in three or four days."

   "Genji is making trouble for the old man to recognize his ancestor and return to his ancestor, and prepares to cremate the old man and bring the ashes back when he burns it."

"Hey, the mansion is hesitating. Both my brother and I disagree with this matter. The old man is temporarily buried in the deserted capital, and he will be settled in the capital before returning to move his grave. This burned to ashes, the old man's life is too desolate. ."

   "I will persuade you again tomorrow."

   "If the old man is still alive, I would like to ask whether he wants to be buried or cremated." The Xia family muttered, and did not find her little girl thoughtful.

  That night...

  The old house of the Jiang family cheated the corpse.

  The old man who had just been engulfed in the coffin fell into a dream, and without a word, he took the two rebellious sons outside with his little daughter-in-law fan with a blue nose and swollen face.

   Putting aside the sentence, I want to bury it in the deserted capital!

   Before dawn, Genji cried and knelt in front of the old man's coffin to admit his mistake.

  There are also several cyan palm prints on his face, which look like ghost handprints in the legend.

Jiang Huailu lay on the chair: "Really, I have to come back and have a lesson. I am a junior, so I always have to give him this opportunity. Lulu is really a caring person." But after this man died. , Really will have a big change in temperament. Grandfather, a first-tier civil servant, had such a hot temper after he died.

  Everywhere in the mansion was packing things, Lulu was holding Yuxi's mouth with a bend, and she was about to see Brother Lu soon.

   "Brother Lu, you must miss Lulu, right?"

   "Brother Lu is so pitiful, he actually served that big evil man."

   "But Lulu is very lucky. Brother Lu said he wants to kill evil for me. Brother Lu will definitely help me. Lulu has met a nobleman."

  I remembered that Brother Lu said that he was the **** in front of him, he couldn't help sighing, his eyebrows drooped.

  It turns out that Brother Lu is no longer a complete man. No wonder he was asked to propose a marriage, and he refused to propose a marriage.

so poor.

  Lu Huaijiang, who was far away in the capital, was eating with the emperor and empress at the moment, suddenly.

   sneezed sharply.

  Inexplicably, the ears became red.

  It seems that someone is talking about him.

  (End of this chapter)

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