Chapter 402 Lost

   "But your Royal Highness treasured his pond of fish." It is rumored that His Royal Highness has a pond of koi, which is quite extraordinary.

  But never seen it.

   "In the past, someone sent beauties for him to enjoy, but His Highness directly killed the people. Everyone can only send some flowers and plants to show their hearts." No one can figure out the preferences of His Royal Highness.

  When Xiaolulu heard this, his face was solemn and slightly pale: "His Royal Highness, is he still eating people?" Why is he still enjoying the beauty?

   "Uh..." Uncle looked at the grandfather in front of him, and don't be beaten to death by Dad when he goes back.

  He didn't dare to continue this topic, so he could only change the topic embarrassingly: "By the way, Your Highness also has an extremely valuable Persian cat. The Persian cat is covered in white cats. Three palace servants are waiting for it to trim its hair."

   "And the Persian cat has no impurities, and the eyes are still blue. In the capital, everyone wants to be that cat."

  The little girl gave a boring cry, she was not interested in cats.

   "Uncle, I want to go to the toilet." The soft little girl whispered while pulling her uncle's sleeve.

  "Do you want your uncle to accompany you?" The older uncle did not take the girl alone, and was a little startled. At exactly this moment, a court order officer came over, and Xiaolulu waved his hand.

   "No, the maid sister over there will take Lulu. The older uncle will remember to save me chicken legs." Xiaolulu is very well-behaved.

  Uncle can’t help but sigh, who doesn’t want such a well-behaved girl?

   Glancing at Jiang Yubai in the distance, Master Xia couldn't help but chuckle.

   "Go, uncle waits for you to come back."

  I really don’t know what my sister is doing to guard against Lulu. When I brought her here, my sister even warned her not to let her out of sight.

Sister    is also true, she looked at Lulu too tightly.

  Master Xia beckoned a maid to come over, and let the people lead Lulu out.

  Lulu had just left for a long distance, Jiang Yubai respectfully arrived in front of Xia and Xia: "Big brother, father-in-law." Jiang Yubai whispered.

Father Xia snorted coldly: "I'm ashamed to be. The daughter of my Xia family has abandoned the family for you, and now their orphans and widows have been kicked out of the house. My Xia family can't be regarded as your father-in-law, and don't compromise the old man's life. Master Jiang should look for your old lady."

  Jiang Yubai was blushing when the old father-in-law said something.

  Uncle Xia leaned back on the chair: “It’s okay for the old mother, wife, and children. Why didn’t Mrs. Jiang go up to bring a mother? If you pee your pants, you can hide in your mother’s arms and cry.”

  The people around who heard this slightly hid their faces, Jiang Yubai's face turned blue, blue and white.

   immediately furiously left.


   "Sister, you are waiting for Lulu in the courtyard. Lulu will return soon." The little guy was soft, and the maid nodded with a smile.

  It's just that Lulu just entered the Gongfang.

A little palace lady ran over on the promenade with a panic expression: "Sister Ziyuan, Baobao ran away. I haven't seen it for half an hour. There are so many family members here today. If a child runs into it, I'm afraid that the slave girl will be here. I can't keep my life." The little palace lady was crying with tears in her eyes, panicking in her footsteps.

   "Don't worry, don't worry, I'll accompany you to find it first. Don't worry..." The grand palace lady Dang even took the little palace lady out to search.

   Xiaolulu came out of the house, and saw the empty yard.

   "Sister palace lady? Sister palace lady?" Xiaolulu looked around, fearing that just now, her sister had left in a hurry. So I found the way in my memory and walked towards the outer courtyard...

  While walking, he muttered in his mouth: "Wow, there are so many butterflies...there are still butterflies in winter." But think about it, in winter, everything is withered, but there are so many flowers in the East Palace in full bloom. It is not surprising that there are butterflies.

  (End of this chapter)

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