The Savior is just a 3-Year-Old

Chapter 405: Moody Your Highness

  Chapter 405 Moody Your Highness

  Lu Huaijiang's eyes were full of disgust.

  I remembered that the little girl had been put into a dangerous situation several times, and it was because of his dad's inaction, Lu Huaijiang couldn't stop the anger.

  Master Xia smiled thiefly, ha, even if His Highness Jiner asked him to pick up the dung tomorrow, he was willing.

  His Royal Highness actually stared at this shameless person.

   really gave his sister a big breath.

  How did he know that this is the five-year-old niece who loves him.

  "Chen, minister...The minister is frightened. The minister and his wife have respected each other as a guest for fifteen years, but now they know that their temperaments are not right..." Jiang Yubai dripped cold sweat and fell down, feeling that today's highness is aggressive and always questioning his personal affairs.

  But he does feel guilty for Xia's.

  What if you discredit her?

  Jiang Yubai seemed to feel Master Xia's gaze, and his back was cold, so he didn't dare to talk nonsense.

  The prince faintly said: "We have been married for fifteen years, have held the Jiang family for fifteen years, and have given birth to children for the Jiang family. She was also willing to give up his life and go to the guillotine with the Jiang family. It turned out that it was because of an unsuitable temperament to divorce his wife."

   "It is said that the palace is low-hearted, and it turns out that Lord Jiang is even better. It is the name of the palace." Lu Huaijiang chuckled, making everyone cold.

  His Royal Highness knows that everyone is talking about him secretly.

  Old man Xia was always at this moment, and the prince gave him a favor.

  That Jiang Yubai listened very much to the old lady of the Jiang family, and abandoned his wife and children for the sake of that old lady. I still divorced his wife and abandoned children in places like Huangdu. If it weren't for Yurong's fate, I'm afraid he wouldn't be able to return to the capital.

  The old man feels numb with anger just thinking about it.

  Hate Jiang Yubai, hate Liu clan.

"His Royal Highness does not know. The love between Master Jiang and the daughter of the next official is more than that of Jin Jian. The little girl abandoned the family for him and was willing to marry him alone. However, the old lady of the Jiang family does not like the little girl. Master Jiang is also a big filial son, willing to marry him. Give up his wife and children for my mother. Jiang Da is also a filial son..." Old man Xia replied to the prince.

  He said that Jiang Yubai was a dutiful son, but Nei Li mocked him for relying on his mother at such an age.

  Can't even protect his wife and children.

  The prince nodded thoughtfully.

"Why don't it be like this, Father Lu, for the time being withdrawing Master Jiang's return. I heard that the old lady was paralyzed in bed, and Master Jiang divorced his wife for the mother, and his filial piety is commendable. It's better for Master Jiang to take good care of the old lady first, or after her death. Go back to life again."

   "This palace also has a lot of filial piety from Lord Jiang."

  Lu Huai Jiang Meiyu has a bit of unruly arrogance, aren’t you a mother all day long?

  My palace will let you serve my old mother every day, when she dies, and when do you report on work.

  I want to see if you can wait for her.

  I don’t know if this palace has dealt with her father. Can Lulu forgive me for exileting her.

  This palace is really difficult.

   "Your Highness, Your Highness, the subordinates' mothers are already well and don't need subordinates to serve. Your Highness, Your Highness, the subordinates can still serve the court. Your Highness..." Jiang Yubai's complexion changed drastically.

  Where did he think that he was just reconciling with the Xia family, and why he couldn't even keep his official position.

   "Noisy. Drag it out..." Lu Huaijiang leaned back in the soft chair lazily and waved his hand.

  There was a guard who directly dragged Jiang Yubai away from the seat.

  The ministers became more jealous of His Royal Highness, and His Highness became more moody.

  Just because they changed their wives, they were suspended from office, and the reason for this disapproval of your Highness became more and more unruly.

  Everyone is cautious in words and deeds, and dare not arouse His Highness’s attention.

  For a time, the banquet was a little deserted.

Suddenly, there was a knock on the closed door.

  It seems that something is scratching the door.

    Thank you for your rewards, Chuanchuan Jiner’s supper depends on you. Hey, you must remember to vote for Chuanchuan for the monthly pass, thank you... Please ask for a monthly pass



  (End of this chapter)

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