The Savior is just a 3-Year-Old

Chapter 422: Lulu's face is great

  Chapter 422 Lulu's face is great

  Lulu pumped and leaned against Yun's arms.

  Tearful eyes, aggrieved and uncomfortable.

  Uncomfortable, she probably had the emotions of her parents back then.

  The grievance is that she can't eat the delicious food after waiting for so long.

   I cried aggrieved...

  Lu Huaijiang stood up before walking down the steps. Seeing Yun's hug Lulu, he breathed a sigh of relief.

   "Prince, where are you going? This palace banquet has just begun, why did you leave?" The woman sitting next to the prince kept her head down and stopped looking at him.

  On the contrary, the eldest prince reached out and embraced Princess Dongli, tightening his arms slightly, causing the princess to take a breath and raise her head.

  The eldest prince once again followed Lu Huaijiang's eyes, always feeling that his expression is a bit abnormal today.

  Looking over, except for a bunch of bad old men drinking.

  There is only a middle-aged lady who is still charming.

  After thinking for a moment, the lady seemed to be the sister of Queen Yun’s family. It's just not very close.

   "The affairs of the country are busy. Since this palace is supervising the country, I must not dare to relax. On the contrary, it is the elder brother, the beautiful woman is in his arms, the wine is in his hands, and the life is comfortable." Lu Huaijiang looked at him lightly.

   Seeing that Lulu had stopped crying, he sat on the chair again.

  The emperor was a little tired, and he left the party midway through the palace banquet.

  Lin Guifei saw the emperor leave, and she lost her mind. The mother went back to the palace to rest even though she held her hand empty.

  Since she was pregnant with a dragon fetus in her womb, this fetus has been well protected.

  But she is also very defensive.

  She wins because her face is not old, but her body is not as good as the seventeen or eighteen-year-old Jiaohua. Whenever a beauty appeared in front of your Majesty, they disappeared silently.

  The queen glanced at her son, and then at the eldest prince who had long been mingling with the courtiers.

  A scorch flashed under the eyes.

  In the middle of the night, the palace banquet is almost over.

   Fireworks lit up in the palace, crackling fireworks exploded in the sky, and the little girl wowed like a dumpling.

  Before, I could only lie down in the clouds and look down at the fireworks.

  Looking up now, it turned out to be such a different beauty.

  The little deer deer looked up and looked up. It was probably too short. This little head was leaning back and forth. The head was leaning too far. It was a chuckle...

   directly turned his head and fell straight from behind.

  Lu Huai, Jiang’s brow beats.

   Yunshi took advantage of the opportunity to protect the back of Lulu's head, holding the people dangerously.

  'S face paled in shock.

  Lu Huaijiang looked helplessly and laughed, the smile on the corner of his mouth was high, and he was actually reluctant to fall.

  At this moment, half an hour before the first day of the new year, the queen stood up and summoned her family before leaving.

  The Yun family was a sister of her clan, and she happened to be among them, so she took Lulu with her.

   Speaking of two clan sisters, but the relationship between the two is not close.

  At this moment, it's just a rule of previous years, so let's meet.

  At this moment, the palace banquet is gone, and everyone is leaving the palace. Only the old lady Yun brought the family members to Fengyi Palace to meet the queen.

  This is a privilege unique to the Yun family.

Several daughters married to the Yun family are also listed.

  Lu Huaijiang raised his brows when he saw the small and short piers in the crowd.

   "This meeting Niangniang is afraid to summon the Yun family again. His Royal Highness has never liked them, so the servants will find a reason to decline. Niangniang knows that he won't blame you." Lu Gonggong whispered.

   Over the years, Niang Niang had to remind and invite four times several times, but His Highness never went.

  This year, naturally it should be the same.


  He just said this.

   Seeing that His Royal Highness strode towards Fengyi Palace, his tone was determined and serious: "Always give a three-pointed face to the queen."

  Grandpa Lu: Don’t make trouble, where does the queen give such a big face in your heart! !

  (End of this chapter)

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