The Savior is just a 3-Year-Old

Chapter 436: The **** man who painted on the memorial

  Chapter 436 The God-Man Who Painted on the Memorial

  After running away from Lulu.

  Xia’s and Jiang Huaian never said a word.

  Xia suddenly realized that a woman has no home after she gets married.

  Even if she is a mother and father, her brother still regards her as his sister and daughter.

  But it is a fact that she is married, and it is also a fact that she has two children, and it is also a fact that the Xia family now involves a family of children.

   "Yurong, don't worry, Lulu will definitely get it back. My sister-in-law gave up this life, and we will get it back."

   "It's all bad for sister-in-law, and I didn't teach Qingqing well. You don't have to worry about it, Qingqing is spoiled by us."

  Xia Qingqing saw that her grandmother was crying and confessing her mistake with her grandmother, she immediately glanced at her.

  I have to say that every child’s words and deeds are the mirror of his parents.

  When Xia Ningze was released, the Yu family scolded Auntie and Jiang Huaian several times secretly. Xia Qingqing remembered it.

  Xia cried holding Yun's hand.

   "Lulu, where have you been? If you have anything to do, my mother can't live anymore." Xia clan leaned back haggardly next to Yun clan, his face was completely bloodless.

  Looking at it is half his life.

   Yun stared at his granddaughter again, and his eyes were a little unkind when looking at his daughter-in-law.

  Xia’s family style is very good, and he is not the one who will grind his daughter-in-law. I rarely manage the affairs of the juniors, but now I am afraid I have to take care of them.

  The upper beam is not straight and the lower beam is crooked, so it can't damage the Xia family's atmosphere.

   "Mother, don't worry. My son has already reported to the official, so he must be fine. Did you forget Lulu before? She can still sell human traffickers." Jiang Huaian's voice was hoarse, but he was not as panicked as he did the previous few times.

  Lulu is already an experienced child.

  That kid is strange and strange, how can he suffer.

  It happened that both Father Xia and Master Xia went back to the mansion, holding a memorial in their hands and studying.

   "His Royal Highness doesn't know what this means. Isn't it hard to say at the court, deliberately drawing a dog on the memorial to humiliate our father and son?"

  "But there is an old toad painted on the top of Mr. Xie..."

   "Master Zheng is...a wolf with rolling eyes?" Master Xia was puzzled, and when he came back, he heard the mess in the house.

   asked, Lulu hadn't found it yet.

   And Yuan brother hid behind her mother, whispered that sister Qingqing fell by herself, Lulu did not push her.

  As soon as this remark came out, it made people look gloomy.

  Xia Qingqing knelt in the yard and wiped her aggrieved tears. Before asking her grandfather, she heard her grandfather say: "There is no rule to make a circle. Qingqing reverses right and wrong, please family law."

  The beautiful woman slammed her belly and fainted.

  Family law, it’s the rattan.

  Xia Qingqing still did not escape the family law, her buttocks were smashed, and the skin was ripped apart. Yun and the old lady drew tears at the sight, but did not dare to stop.

The anger of    just now has long since dissipated, and only a little heartache is left.

"My Xia family does not expect future generations to become talents, but they will never allow anyone who does not distinguish between right and wrong! If you can say these things to Lulu and your cousin today, you will grow up into a poisonous woman with a vicious mind. At home, if anyone doesn't restrain the children, take care of the family law and serve them!" Seeing that the eldest son is difficult to do, the old man Xia immediately scolded.

   Jiang Huaian's eyes suddenly lit up.

  "Grandfather, where did the painting on your hand come from? That's Lulu's handwriting." Jiang Huaian looked at the painting above and was delighted.

  The two adults of the Xia family flicked their heads and looked at him with burning eyes.

  Who drew it? ? ?

  A painting that made the courtiers uneasy and drew speculation in the hearts of the people. Who did you say painted it? ?

   , there are only seven chapters today, three chapters short...



  (End of this chapter)

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