The Savior is just a 3-Year-Old

Chapter 475: Lulu Fight

   Chapter 475

   "It's all salvation, why can't you come to me?"

   "How difficult it is to cultivate people, what's the matter with borrowing a few. We are cooperation, it is a win-win situation, it is really stingy."

   "I also said that I like my father's scriptures, because he has read the scriptures through the scriptures to realize the holy monk. I don't know anything in return."

  Lulu carrying a small embroidered bag, walking and thinking about it.

  The little novice monk who led the way ran away, and Lulu could only find his way back by himself.

  This year’s warm morning, peach blossoms are in full bloom.

  Wandering around, I saw a blooming peach blossom in front of me. There was a faint sound of children laughing and playing in the peach blossoms.

   "I heard that His Royal Highness brought a child, have you seen it? The rumor is very popular, and I don't know which child it is? How come I have never seen it before?" Zhen Guo Gong Xiaoshizi curled his lips.

   "His Royal Highness is moody, someone is not afraid of him?" The voice was lowered, and it seemed that he did not dare to mention his name.

  The voice seemed to be like a group of children.

"You don't know it, I do know a little bit. She came back from the deserted city, and I saw it at that time. It was the lucky one who brought her back with the big sedan chair by Lu Gongzhu." The person who spoke was the Zheng family girl, and Young Master Zheng is a female compatriot.

   is only seven years old now.

   "It's the child who was born on Zhongyuan Festival with His Highness? Unexpectedly, the dirty things born on Zhongyuan Festival can get your Highness's blue eyes." The little son of Wen Jiazhi said softly, his eyes full of disdain.

It is no secret that Wen Ruyin and Jiang Huailu met in Wen's family.

  Since the Wen Ruyin group came back, it has greatly impacted the Wen family's camp, and now the Wen family is divided and controversial.

  There is a little boy standing in the corner, about the same age as the little son.

  The look in Jiang Huailu's eyes was a little bit cool.

  This is the eldest grandson of Concubine Lin’s family. Now she is studying at the Imperial College.

   "Master Wen speaks carefully!" The prince Zhenguo reprimanded, and Master Wen realized that he had also scolded the prince in.

   His body shrank in shock, and looked left and right in horror. He didn't see the foreigner let out a sigh of relief.

"I didn't say your Majesty, that girl was originally inauspicious. She was a silly born that year, and suddenly became smart and smart. It can't be said that any spirit possessed her." As soon as Master Wen's voice fell, a rock with a fist straightened. Coming straight towards his forehead.


  In the middle of Master Wen's forehead, the blood is flowing like a note.

  "Who is it?!" The little boys and girls present here changed their complexions and stood up one after another.

  The little maidservants behind him all stood in front of their master.

  The complexion is dignified.

  "Huguo Temple is still a royal temple, who would dare to make trouble here?" The ten-year-old son of Zhenguo's son was born with a tiger head and a tiger's brain.

  The group of young boys behind them all looked like him headed.

   "It is said that it is Huguo Temple, can monsters and weird come here?" Lulu patted his hands and patted the dirt on it.

   Carrying a beautiful little bag, it looks soft and without attack.

  I was even a little cute, and wanted to reach out and touch her little head.

  The little young man of the Wen family held his forehead, and the servant behind him was already pale with fright.

  The maid took out her handkerchief and tightly covered his forehead, but blood stains flowed down his forehead.

   "My son, my son, you are so bold. This is the Wen family's aunt and the lifeblood of the Wen family! How dare you hurt him, you, you..."

   "Fine, your majesty pampers her, our group of people can't afford it." Young Master Lin didn't say a bad thing, but every sentence added fuel to the fire.

    Unfortunately, I always feel cold when I code words in the afternoon. She was shivering and shaking, and her fingers were trembling. He climbed into the house and lay down, the two quilts were still air-conditioned.

     was trembling all the time, and a chill came out.

     One measure of body temperature, 38.8.

    , it was another high fever caused by inflammation. I have appeared once before, ah, I have to go for a minor operation after I have been busy for a while! After lying down all afternoon, this will get up the codeword, top-heavy...

     Tomorrow’s explosion will not change.



  (End of this chapter)

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