The Savior is just a 3-Year-Old

Chapter 492: Zhen Niang's sweetheart

  Chapter 492 Zhenniang's Sweetheart

   Zhenniang’s yard is on the east.

When Lulu passed by, Yun was coming out of the courtyard.

   "Lulu, you came to see Zhenniang? It's hard for Lulu to have a heart." Yun couldn't help but love Lulu more and more, and came to see Zhenniang as soon as she got home.

  On the other hand, Qingqing has never seen it since returning home.

  Zhenniang is still her elder.

  This child is really spoiled by them. Fortunately, it was discovered early, and there is still a chance to come back.

"Yes, I'll take a look at Zhenniang. Is she better? I saw her face is not good last time. Lulu gave her to replenish her body." Lulu digs in her pocket, this is Lu Father-in-law asked her to take it back.

  After a long time, she took out a large ginseng.

   Yun's all bluffed.

  In the capital, ginseng is not common. However, wild ginseng for hundreds of years has no market, and it is often bought by those big families when it comes out.

   "Where did this come from? His Royal Highness knows? The things are too expensive, and the aunt can't collect them." This root of wild ginseng was in the Xia family, and they also used two roots to make soup.

  Where is it like Lulu, carelessly took it out of his pocket.

  The broken little beard made Yun's heart hurt.

"When I came back, Lulu remembered that Zhenniang was sick. Father Lu said to bring some supplements for her sister, so he took this. Take it, my aunt, there are so many Lulu. If it's not enough, tell Lulu, Lu said Now, tell Lulu to go back and get it."

   Yun Shi saw her face indifferently, and once again refreshed her degree of favor in the East Palace.

   Thinking of the sentence, I shook my head. How can children understand the kind words?

  Thanks to Lulu again and again, and then people prepare cakes for Lulu and ask the doctor to dispense the medicine with ginseng.

  Lulu patted the red string, "Brother Lu asked Lulu to get it by himself, and I have given me the spare keys for the private library." She also asked her not to tell anyone.

  As soon as the little girl entered Zhenniang's house, she smelled the scent of Ruowu in her nose again.

  She only heard about it when she went to the temple yesterday.

  In other places, there are probably only places where incense is enshrined.

   Zhenniang heard that Lulu was coming, and the maid had helped her up and leaned against the bed.

   "Lulu." In just a few days, Zhen Niang's face became pale and her lips were bloodless. A long black hair has also become yellow and dry.

   "Ms. Zhen, are you better? No matter how bad you are, your eldest aunt won't be able to negotiate for you." Lulu smiled, completely like an innocent ordinary child.

   "I, I don't want to discuss marriage yet." Zhenniang was very weak and weak in speaking.

  Lulu looked at her with pity in her eyes, and her soul was almost unstable.

  If you continue, I’m afraid I won’t live long.

   "It's right, the matchmaker's words. That's what my mother said is happy." The little girl made her amused with a serious look.

  Zhen Niang is fifteen years old, and she has been a calm and obedient temperament since she was a child.

  Never makes people worry, and no one has ever doubted her.

   But at this moment, when she heard this, Zhen Niang said: "Lulu also believes that the right is right? Then if the two love each other and the right is wrong, won't it be the right thing? Is it really so tacky?"

   "The Lulu doesn't know, but isn't my mother an example? Lulu saw an example at Huguo Temple yesterday."

   "I saw it in the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion of Huguo Temple. Maybe Zhenniang is interested, Lulu will tell you about it."

Seeing that she was serious, Zhen Niang couldn't help but fall in love.

  (End of this chapter)

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