Chapter 496

  Lulu returned to the East Palace without notifying Lu Huaijiang.

  After washing in twos or twos, he climbed into bed and went to sleep.

   "No one is allowed to wake me up." Lulu told the grandmother, and immediately pulled the quilt to sleep.

  Grandma thought she was sad when she saw Madam Zhen, and his Highness waited for a reply again.

   "Waiting outside the door, if Miss Lulu has anything to do, please inform me in time." The grandma found the two of them to wait at the door, and went back to the front yard to give His Highness back to life.

  Lulu flashed his figure and went directly outside the Hall of Salvation.

  The Salvation Hall in the capital is magnificent compared to the deserted capital.

  But incense is not as prosperous as Desolate Capital.

When Lulu stood in the Hall of Salvation, the door **** was wiping his divine sword.

   Sensing the familiar aura fluctuations, the door's face was slightly happy.

   "Master." The door **** floated down from the **** position, and the ghosts hidden everywhere came out to see him.

  Lulu waved his hand, and the ghosts dispersed.

   "The bedside mother-in-law is now at work, the day travel **** is pursuing the evil spirits outside the city, and the little **** is guarding the temple." The door **** whispered, seeing Lulu coming to the Salvation Hall.

  The temple of the Savior is worthy of being called the Hall of Salvation.

   "Is something unusual these days?" Lulu swiped out of thin air.

  Turned two pages of the gold book, and made a sudden sound.

   "What's going on? Why is the difference between life and death in these two months?" Lulu turned a few pages forward, and it was normal two months ago.

  The door **** saw her and found something strange, as if he had the backbone, and immediately said: "The **** of the sun is going out to investigate this matter thoroughly."

   "For a long time, life and death have been in a balanced stage. There is very little difference between life and death, and death is often accompanied by new life."

   "But recently life and death are very unbalanced. Two months ago, you set off from the deserted capital. At that time, death was faintly greater than life, but you are still on the road and never bother you."

   "The difference between these two months is even more obvious. Riyoushen has already taken the Yin Soldier out to find the cause."

  Lulu opens the book of life and death, as long as he is born, it will be recorded in the book.

  Shouyuan is marked under the name on the booklet.

  The original person who had more than ten years of life, died for no reason, and his name became crimson.

  Lulu felt a little uneasy in his heart.

   "Tomorrow's annual vacation will be over, let Chu Liang come back earlier." Lulu whispered, and with a wave of his hand, the door **** disappeared in the hall.

   "Can the horse face be there?" Lulu straightened up and called the **** of river.

  A dark figure appeared in the hall, with a horse face. It was the one who was a water ghost in the moat of the deserted city before.

   "God." Ma Mian is now an ecstasy, specializing in ecstasy.

  Null head horse noodles, every time they ecstasy, they always look like bull head horse noodles.

  This time Lulu saw his face and his eyelids twitched.

  I'm afraid that my parents don't know each other anymore.

   "This is to frighten the ghost that has just left the body." The horse's face chuckled.

  "Tomorrow, you will go to the capital of Taifu Xie's mansion to go to the capital. The surname is Xie, the name is Zixu. Fifty-one years old." Jiang Huailu glanced at him lightly, and that eye contained emotions he couldn't understand.

   seems to be a bit congested for him.

  "Niutou doesn't have to go. He assisted the door **** in the Hall of Salvation to prepare for the return of the Hall of Salvation."

   "Yes." The horse's face was slightly shaken, and he responded in a low voice.

  Xie family, Xie family.

  Xie Zixu.

  This name, he heard it for the first time.

  But it's not like the first time I heard it.

  Obviously hearing the name, his chest seemed to be throbbing violently.

  (End of this chapter)

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