The Savior is just a 3-Year-Old

Chapter 502: Recognized

   Chapter 502 Recognized

  Aunt Xie was originally to be buried in Xie's house after her death.

  She has never been married in her life. She was born to thank her family, and to die is the soul of Xie’s family.

  But the Du family said that the aunt had waited for Du Xun's life, and the Du family had already set up a burial mound for him.

  It is better to bury Du Xun and his aunt together.

  I asked my aunt before, and my aunt agreed.

   will be buried in the ancestral grave of the Du family.

  Everyone carried the coffin, scattered paper money around, carried it up the mountain step by step, and was buried directly in the ancestral grave of the Du family.

  She is finally the Du family.

   lay down in the tomb where the two were buried together.

  Du Xun stared blankly at the coffin being covered by dirt.

  Blowing and beating the suona, the mother took the red envelopes and gave the men who carried the coffins a bad luck.

   "Dare to ask the son's name, so we can tell the master." The maid came to ask the name carefully.

  "Single name has a recurring character."

  The maid nodded and took note, just as the mother came over and gave out the red envelope.

  "Where is the son who just carried the coffin? His red envelope hasn't been taken yet." The maid's eyes were red and swollen, and she forced her sadness to ask the maid.

   "It's right here, eh, just talking to me." The maid was startled, and looked around, where there was a figure.

  There is no half of a person, as if it has never existed.

"It's not impossible. The maid still talked to me when you came. The maid asked him for his name, and he said that he had a single name." The maid was so shocked that he was looking for someone, but the maid cried out. .

  The tray in the hand fell on the ground.

  When Xie Ningzhi came over, she saw her face pale and shivering.

  "It's him, it's him, it's no wonder that it's familiar, it's him! It's him!" The mother burst into tears, and no one thought she would cry again.

   Lying on the tombstone of Aunt Xie, crying like a child.

  He's back, the person you are waiting for, he's back.

  He came to carry the coffin for you, he came to carry the coffin for your aunt.

  The mother suddenly got up and ran back to Xie’s house crying.

  Everyone in the Xie family was jumped by the mother, thinking she was frightened crazy by the death of her aunt.

  Tao Fu Xie seems to be a lot older this day, sitting in the front yard, looking at the white silk in the courtyard, his heart is empty.

  Sister has his responsibilities in her life, and Taifu Xie always wants to give the best to her sister.

  Want to compensate her.

  He can give anything, but he can't pay back a duxun.

  At this moment, the mother went back to the Xie’s mansion with a disheveled madness and took out the painting that was kept in the girl’s room.

   "Master, master, it's him or him, have you seen it?"

   "He didn't let down the young lady, he didn't let down the aunt." Everyone in the Xie family was in the courtyard, seeing the mother spread out the portrait.

  The Xie family had never seen that face.

   Tai Fu Xie and the old man in the mansion had met him.

  A clear scholar, with a somewhat arrogant man in his eyebrows, standing in the painting with a smile.

The maid behind    screamed abruptly: "It's the son who just carried the coffin! That son also gave his aunt a bunch of welcome!"

  Thank the family for violently standing up.

  Xie Taifu got up too quickly, and his eyes were dizzy.

  Xie Ningzhi hurriedly stepped forward to support the old man.

  "Really him? Are you wrong?" Taifu Xie held his head, eyes full of eagerness.

"The slave and maid also saw him, really exactly like the person in the painting. When he came, he asked the slave if he could carry the coffin for his aunt. The aunt had great kindness to him. He said that his surname was Du, but the slave did not remember it at the time. He just thought it was. The people sent from the East Palace should have come down."

  Grandma's face was sure, and a little annoyed, why didn't she recognize it at the time.

  In fact, she didn't even think about it there.

    These chapters write me cry



  (End of this chapter)

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