The Savior is just a 3-Year-Old

Chapter 510: Soul-saver

  Chapter 510 The Soul Suppressor

  Lu Huaijiang went up.

  Master Yixu was hit by Lulu and didn't want to see her at all.

   didn't come to the East Palace at all, and went directly to Ningshou Palace to meet the Empress.

  The empress learned that Master Yixu had come out, and she was quite surprised.

  "Master, the image of Concubine Lin was unstable last time, and I wanted to invite the holy monk to pray for blessings. It's a coincidence that the holy monk is going out and wandering." The emperor looked at Master Yixu with a little smile.

  Queen Yun sat beside her, she couldn't help but twitch her lips when she heard the name of Concubine Lin.

  Master Yixu folded his hands together: "Your Majesty, the poor monks are wandering, everything depends on fate." In other words, we are not fate.

The emperor took a sip of the tea and said loudly: "Lin Guifei is pregnant in October, and she will be born in two days. Lin'er has not been born in the palace for many years. It is better for the holy monk to stay and pray for Lin'er and bless him to be born safely. "The emperor has been resting in the Royal Concubine Palace these few days, even on the first day of the Lunar New Year, he was originally with the queen in Fengyi Palace.

  Suddenly someone came to the imperial concubine Lin’s palace, saying that the empress was about to give birth, and robbed them away.

  However, there is no birth at the sixth day of this year.

  Master Yixu will naturally not say that Wen Po is more useful than him.

   On the contrary, he folded his hands and returned: "The poor monk should do his part."

"This time I met with your Majesty, the poor monk also had important matters to discuss. Because of the entrustment of the empress, the poor monk asked the poor monk to find out why the majesty was unstable and was always in a coma. Now that I had some clues, I hurried to meet him. ."

  As soon as the voice fell, the breathing of both the emperor and the queen was stagnant.

  The tea bowl in the emperor's hand swayed. Before he could say anything, the queen said anxiously: "Can you find it? What's the reason? Yi'an hasn't fainted in the past few months, but is it okay?"

  Since the prince was in a coma several times, she was always disturbed.

  The female officer was sent there before, but also to keep informed of the situation of the prince.

   I don’t know that the female official is not worried, but the prince is separated from her.

  Fortunately, within a few days, the prince voluntarily took the mother back to the East Palace, and she only slept more peacefully in these two days. Sometimes I have nightmares. I dreamed that my mother came back to tell her, and Yi'an fainted again.

  Her heart, I never let it go.

  At this moment, the two emperors and empresses looked at Yi Xu with scorching eyes, and said softly: "Your Highness has a heavy eight-character character, and will often be corroded by evil. Sometimes you will be trapped in a confused state and cannot escape..."

   "How about getting lost and breaking free and not having a meeting?" the queen hurriedly asked.

  Brows are full of anxiety.

   "He will sleep for a long time, until he loses himself and can no longer remember human affairs. Then he will become a real lonely ghost, and he will never return to his body."

  As soon as Master Yixu finished speaking, the queen shed tears.

  Grandma could not persuade me.

  The emperor took a breath and said in a deep voice, "There is a way to solve it? He hasn't been in a coma in the past six months, but has he gotten better?"

Queen    also stopped her tears, her phoenix eyes filled with worry.

   "Today the poor monk is here for this."

  "After calculating by the poor monk day and night, it was discovered that the human world has actually appeared, and can be the soul-suppressing person of His Highness."

   "Your Highness's soul is easy to disperse. If that person is kept in front of His Highness for a long time, His Highness will be safe and sound."

  Master Yixu sighed in his heart, but the monks did not speak much.

   Really had enough.

  Why always embarrass him this monk.

  The queen stood up directly, her voice could not hide the joy: "Where can that person be? Can really be the soul of Huangerzhen?"

  The emperor was silent for a while without speaking.

When   's eyes fell on Yixu, there seemed to be something profound.

  (End of this chapter)

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