The Savior is just a 3-Year-Old

Chapter 574: The Great Demon King

   Chapter 574

  Lu Huaijiang frowned when he heard this.

   "It is said that the village has some quirks, it is the village rules passed down through the generations."

"There is a pair of red lanterns hanging at the entrance of the village, and there is a humpbacked old lady guarding the entrance of the village. There are three village rules that do not enter the village. One is not allowed to enter the village of five or six-year-old girls. Chubby dolls are not allowed to enter the village yet." The **** replied softly.

  Even he was surprised that there was such a unique village rule.

  Lu Huaijiang raised his brows and looked at the sleeping baby in his arms.

  The little girl's chubby belly was rising and falling slightly, falling asleep, and tapping her mouth from time to time. Occasionally, she could be heard memorizing the name of the dish.

  Lu Huai Jiang suddenly snorted, overflowing with a low smile.

  How did he feel that the village only almost reported Jiang Huailu's name! !

  Five or six-year-old girl, surnamed Jiang, chubby, each piece seems to be tailor-made for her.

  Obviously every one pointed to her, but he had no evidence!

  Lu Huaijiang wondered how better to take her to see.

  This anxiety directly speeds up the process.

  The carriage ran towards the village all the way, but the little girl slept in Jiang Jiang’s arms but there was no sign of awakening.

  Mingsu was sore all over her body that she pulled her veil on the carriage.

   "His Royal Highness really won't take pity and cherish jade, the girl is thin and tender, what should I do if it is broken." The always calm maid looked anxious, and took the brocade and wrapped the girl several layers to get better.

  Mingsu hardly has the strength to speak.

  His Royal Highness is a man. But she is a woman, and her practice is to chew slowly. Just now, when Lulu came, His Royal Highness got into the carriage directly.

   caused her not to eat at all.

  At this moment, the stomach was empty, and it turned out to be retching.

  "The girl, eat some cushions, cushion her stomach, and it will be better when she can boil some hot soup to warm her stomach." After speaking, she looked out the window of the carriage, and the carriage stopped at some point.

  "Girl, it's almost the last village. The old lady was still standing at the head of the village last time. She was really dedicated." The maid exclaimed.

  I was shocked when I saw the old lady standing under the red lantern for the first time.

  Mingsu concealed the rush in his stomach, forced himself up and got up: "Your Royal Highness's golden body, let's go talk about it first." The old lady looked hard to speak, and Mingsu got out of the carriage together.

  She returned to Beijing for two months, at least her reputation for being gentle and virtuous was spread out.

   "I'm troubled by Miss Ming." The father-in-law saw Miss Ming got out of the car and saluted.

   went to the village together to talk to the old lady with humpback.

  The old lady smiled kindly. Anyone who saw it would feel that the old lady was kind.

   "We don't have a six or seven-year-old girl here, but there is a kid. I have settled in the village for a day today, and I hope the old lady will do it." The father-in-law handed over the silver, and the old lady grinned and smiled more and more kindly.

  "Old lady, why didn't the village allow the six or seven-year-old chubby girl surnamed Jiang to enter? It's that girl, isn't her fate?" Miss Ming was full of curiosity. Seeing the carriage approaching, she couldn't help but ask.

  I don’t know that the old lady who had just been kind on her face turned green.

   His face was serious and serious.

"Girls can't talk nonsense, because the girl's life is very expensive, the small village is not worthy of letting her settle down. Our village is only worth living in for people like you." As soon as the old lady finished speaking, she heard that the nearest carriage seemed to be hit by someone. Yawn.

   also shouted Jiang Jiang.

  When she heard the sound, the hunched old lady shuddered suddenly.

  Yes, is the lingering Demon King coming? ? ?

   Chuanchuan Online Guiqiu monthly pass=……



  (End of this chapter)

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