The Savior is just a 3-Year-Old

Chapter 610: The true **** met the pheasant god

  Chapter 610 The True God Met the Pheasant God

  Lulu came back at night.

  The little girl ate her belly round, and the palace official secretly opened the side door for her.

  The little guy is bulging in his arms, seeming to be clutching something round and round.

  "Don't tell Jiang Jiang that I'm out...Is Jiang Jiang back?" The little girl grinned and took out a pig's hoof to bribe the porter.

  The concierge is an honest girl, who has not pushed twice, so she can only accept it.

   "His Royal Highness hasn't returned yet, but Grandpa Lu sent someone back, letting you rest first, and you don't have to wait for your Highness." The concierge whispered, and now no one in the East Palace knows.

  This little girl is the half master of the East Palace.

   Even many times, she can jump directly over His Royal Highness and become the lord of the East Palace.

  Lulu nodded and hopped off.

The concierge grabbed the sauced pig's feet wrapped in oil paper in his hand, and sighed quietly: "His Royal Highness, I don't know your naughty temper. I said hello to the minion early." As for the sauced pig's feet, he naturally too. Don't dare to eat.

  Wait for your Highness to come back, and send Rehao to His Highness's study.

  Lulu ran all the way back to the house. The palace man wanted to step forward and wait, but she shook her head and refused.

   clicked and locked the door behind her feet.

   Mysteriously, he took out a small porcelain vase from his arms. The exterior of the porcelain vase was smooth and white, and there were several bright red plum blossoms on it, which seemed to be stained with blood.

  This thing was given to her by an old lady when she just came back.

  Don't charge money, it doesn't mean someone who is destined to give it to her.

  Lulu was walking on the Long Street at the time, and there was no servant behind him. With so many people, the old lady is only staring at her, which is kind of interesting.

  The little girl was not half timid, but she accepted it.

  The old lady asked her to open it again in the middle of the night when there was no one, and she should not tell anyone.

   and said that this porcelain vase enshrines a god, whoever lets him go, he can satisfy her wish.

  Lulu is not a three-year-old kid anymore.

  She is a five-year-old fairy.

  She is not excited when the true **** meets the false god. He looked excited on the spot, and took the porcelain vase away with excitement.

   Now put it upright on the table, looking straight at the little white bottle.

  The little white bottle shook, Lulu glanced at his head and guessed that it might be able to notice the outside world.

   Immediately reached out and opened the lid on the small white bottle.


  A burst of white smoke rose from the bottle.

  The smoke was lingering, and a shadow appeared in the white smoke. The shadow fell on the ground and turned into a human form.

   was actually a man in white clothes. At this moment, he was immortal and indifferent, and his face was unpredictable.

   "Who is it, who awakened this seat? But you, little guy?" The handsome man glanced at her, looking like a worldly expert.

   Seeing Lulu staring at him in a daze, his back was awe-inspiring, with a bit of arrogance.

  "This seat has slept for a thousand years, since you have awakened this seat, then this seat..."

  The white-clothed man hadn’t finished speaking, Lu Lutu’s eyes lit up: "Then I awakened you, are you my servant?"


   "No, this seat can satisfy one of your wishes."

  "This seat has been practiced for thousands of years, and it has been enshrined by the people. It has been ascended to a fairy a thousand years ago. Let’s say, what wishes you have, this seat can help you satisfy!" The corner of the man's lips twitched, what wishes can a five-year-old child have.

  It's nothing more than eating, drinking and playing. This task is really simple!

    It’s too late to come back from the hospital, I have been queuing up all day...I did a laryngoscope, a gastroscope, ah, I feel terrible when I think about it again, hahaha



  (End of this chapter)

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