The Savior is just a 3-Year-Old

Chapter 615: Large-scale brainwashing scene

  Chapter 615 Large-scale brainwashing scene

   Standing below is a group of various family gods with awe-inspiring faces and brilliant eyes.

   carries a few traces of the enshrined spirit of the gods, but it is mixed with a lot of mottled hostility.

   "I tell you, if you attack Thunder Tribulation in this way, I'm afraid you will die 90%. Ours is different. Just catch more ghosts, catch more evil creatures, and rise up step by step."

"The greater the ability, the faster the upgrade. Those with superior ability will directly enshrine the gods. The ability is average. In the future, I will reluctantly wear an armor to become a heavenly soldier. That is to say, one person will be able to ascend to heaven, hey, It doesn’t mean anything. I’m going to be a river **** anyway... I'll be martyred by my family. It’s like you with extraordinary ability..." The river **** looked proud, and the family gods who watched showed envy. Vision.

"Hey, you god, you say it is a god, but it is actually a better-sounding evil. It is not favored by the gods. On the contrary, it is too dangerous to step on the line of good and evil. A little carelessness will ruin the whole life, you see Look at our yin soldiers. They are all yin spirits, unseen ghosts who were previously unseen."

"It’s good now? That’s merit. If you want to reincarnate, you can reincarnate, and you don’t want to be a heavenly soldier in the future. Do you want to go the right way? Do you want to step up to the sky, do you want to be a god? Do you want to be admired by the world? Join the Hall of Salvation! Before signing up! Ten, send ten years of merit!" River God waved his hand, and all the family gods actually surged up.

  The bedside mother-in-law suddenly appeared, dressed and dressed upright, holding paper and pen to record.

  The faintly leaked divine intent on his body made the family **** almost crazy.

  In this world, there are people who can enshrine gods! !

"Xiu Xiu Xiu, I am still repairing a ball! I have to suffer from the frustration of those mortals, and delay the practice all day long. I, I, I, I have to sign up! Killing evil spirits can get the golden light of merit. Merit is a good thing, the ancestral grave. Something you can't ask for in the smoke!"

   "I'll come first, I'll come first. I have practiced for three hundred years. I have a way of catching evil."

   "Wait, wait, I was invited by the emperor to make alchemy yesterday. Can I add another twenty years?"

  "How can you add another twenty years? There are three family gods practicing alchemy, and you are only one of them." Suddenly, some people were unhappy.

   "Come slowly, don't worry, those who are outstanding will go to the savior. They will add merits as appropriate. By the way, if you have two hearts, don't come."

"Our master is the savior recognized by heaven and earth. She has the merit book, judge's pen, life and death book, etc. If you have two minds, in the future, you will degenerate into a demon and become a **** of righteousness. In her hands."

   "Since it's here, I will be at ease." The bedside mother-in-law recorded everyone in the book one by one.

  "Also, if you can successfully attract friends to join the Salvation Palace, you can give merits based on the ability of the other party as appropriate. The more friends you get here, the more you can make a lot of money!"

  Calculating the number of people, most of the patriarchs who have recently entered Beijing have already come.

  Wait for the merits to be handed in, I am afraid that those who are waiting and watching will also come in in large numbers.

  Lulu stroked his chin, this guy shouldn’t be a river god.

  This business capability is too powerful.

   By the way, Jiang Jiang also said at night that His Majesty had invited three family gods to make alchemy. I wonder how many others will be left after three days? !

  The word “profit” is the head, I’m afraid...

  The prince will capsize this time, right?

   was here to instigate her, but didn’t want to lose even the pants!

  (End of this chapter)

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