The Savior is just a 3-Year-Old

Chapter 619: God's mercy and anger

   Chapter 619 God’s Mercy and Wrath

  Lulu leaned over the car window and looked at it with relish.

  Duke Lu listened to both ears, this kind of thing happened from time to time in the houses of dignitaries in the capital.

  It's not about the lack of strict family governance, but the overwhelming defense.

  Climbing on the bed of the master is one step to reach the sky, but most people have a higher heart and a thinner life than paper.

  At this moment, seeing the five-year-old girl with a face full of ignorance and gestures, I saw it with joy. Can't help but ask: "Lulu knows what they are talking about?"

  Lulu's beautiful eyebrows flicked: "The world is full, all for profit. The world is hustling, all for profit. It's nothing more than calculating things that don't belong to you."

  Jiang Huaiying calculated the prince and wanted to be the prince's concubine.

  The prince calculated Jiang Huaiying and wanted her to use the Jiang family. Who knew that the Jiang family had abandoned her directly.

  As for Jiang Huailin, it's very simple.

  Debt collector!

  Lord Lu was startled: "Then Lulu said, what if you encounter the situation of a woman today?" Lu Lu, forgot her age for a while, and actually asked.

  The little girl was not vague. She lay down at the window and hesitated for a moment: "Lulu won't fall into such a situation."

   "But... if one day people betray their relatives and others plant and frame them, Lulu will kill them all." Lulu's eyes twinkled, and under his innocent face, he said this and so on.

  Grandpa Lu was taken aback.

  Lulu, she has always been the most kind and kind? Since she came to the East Palace, whenever she speaks, His Royal Highness has stopped killing people.

  But at this moment, he can face the blood so calmly.

"Father-in-law, this is naturally different. I had my heart turned to the bright moon, but the moon illuminates the ditch. It's nothing more than illuminating the ditch, Lulu doesn't care. But if he stabbed me the other way round, Lulu would not be softhearted "Lulu blinked slightly.

  She is a goddess and the goddess, so she is naturally proud of her.

  She has the kindness of the gods and the anger of the gods.

  Duke Lu had not spoken for a long time, and suddenly felt that the concerns of His Highness yesterday were not a problem at all.

   His Royal Highness knew that the prince was afraid that Lulu would be regarded as the only weakness of the East Palace, and worried that she would be calculated by the prince. But at this moment, although she is young, she has plans in her heart.

  Grandpa Lu smiled: "Good girl."

  Where can you be like a soft bun in the royal family?

  When I arrived at the Imperial College, I just heard the class bell.

  Lulu carrying a small school bag, holding the homework that His Highness had written for her, and handing in the textbook first when he entered the door.

  The master glanced at her, the youngest, but he was the biggest thorn in the class.

  All the students are led by her.

   Alive and well out of the Imperial College.

  If this grows up, can it be repaid?

  Partial student learning is excellent, and she also completes the tasks that she takes home every day. Even Xie Fu's grandson is not as good as hers.

   "Lulu, you are really good, and the lessons left by the master are so difficult you have finished writing."

  Xie Xiao Gongzi looked at her eagerly, his eyes full of admiration.

   "I only stopped writing last night when it was too late. The last two articles were still random. Lulu must be praised again today."

  Lulu’s small head is slightly raised, that is because you don’t have a good brother.

  "Do you know? Duke Jinghong has decided to marry him. After some time, I am afraid that your Majesty will summon the world and will enter the palace to participate in the banquet."

"I heard that Xu gave it to the prince of Fusang. It is said that the prince has also come to the capital. He looks like a jade, and I don't know if our highness looks good." It was quiet.

  (End of this chapter)

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