The Savior is just a 3-Year-Old

Chapter 623: Where is the daughter-in-law

  Chapter 623 Where is the daughter-in-law

   "Lulu, will you be a righteous daughter for this palace?"

   "It's so good to be a little princess. This palace is just right under the knees. It can also solve problems by raising a daughter." The queen also wanted to get close to her and get closer to the prince.

  Lulu waved his hand straight after listening.

"No way, no way, Lulu has too many mothers. Lulu's mothers will be angry." Lulu has dry mothers, and the birth mother Xia, but her real mother has never enjoyed it. The mother of her cry.

  If she recognizes her mother again, she will be unhappy.

  The queen thought for a moment, and thought it was the Xia family.

  Thinking about it this way, it is true that Lulu is only a child, so how can he be in charge. Temporarily dismissed this idea.

   "Good, good, all dependent on you. Lulu, my palace would like to thank you for this golden mouth. Concubine Lin Gui hasn't been in front of my palace for a long time." The queen hugged Lulu, as if she had the world.

  This is really a treasure.

  It's no wonder the prince is so loving and pampering.

"You, since I have you, the prince's body and bones have healed. The prince seems to have rarely killed people recently, and there are fewer courtiers impeaching him. You are really the prince's little lucky star, little lucky star." The queen hooked her. Little nose.

  It's a pity that such a good child can't recognize him as a daughter.

  Lulu hugged the queen's neck, with a look of affection.

  She can feel the closeness and estrangement from outsiders to her.

  “Lulu is of course a little lucky star. Lulu can’t be your daughter, but you can be your half-daughter.” The little girl held her fingers, and my mother would be angry when she was a daughter.

  The queen laughed blankly: "How can a daughter be a half."

   "My palace wants to ask you some questions, can't you tell the prince brother, are you willing to hide it for the queen and aunt?" The queen's eyes flashed slightly, and she lowered her voice and said carefully.

  Lulu slapped her chest immediately: "Ask, ask, why the Queen and Auntie Lulu knows. Lulu knows about Jiang Jiang." Lulu slapped her chest.

  The queen gave a light cough.

  I can’t help my mother. During the New Year, she wanted to accept two girls for the prince, but now the prince is getting bigger.

  The wife of Chaozhong often went to the palace to inquire about the prince’s parents, how could she not be in a hurry.

  "Do you know that the prince has a familiar **** weekdays? Do you talk a lot?" The queen stared blankly.

  Which one might be her daughter-in-law?

  Lulu stroked his chin and thought for a while: "Does Ming girl count? Sister Ming Su. He probably said the most."

  The queen's eyes lit up. Is it the Ming girl who went to the palace to please peace in the previous period?

   Legend has it that the family is exclusively a queen. If it hadn't faded out of sight these years, I'm afraid that the Ming family would still be a top nobleman.

   "What did the prince say?"

   "Jiang Jiang said that she was greedy for his body, that she was inferior, that she was ugly, and let her roll." Lulu grabbed the snack and bit it.


   "Does your Highness have any other familiar girls?"

  "Familiar girl? No more, except that the cat is female, there is only Lulu in the East Palace."

   "There is no one else except Lulu..." Lulu pouted, his head straight.

  There is no one else except Lulu.

  The people of the palace don’t even mention that, apart from taking care of the deer, they can’t get within three meters of the prince at all.

The queen's expression was dim: "Where is the daughter-in-law of this palace? I have heard that the prince often collects women's accessories... If it is not used to please, what else can it be?" The eldest prince is now more and more cheerful, Your Majesty I am increasingly dissatisfied with the prince, what can I do in the future.

    There will be five changes tomorrow. Ask for a monthly pass...



  (End of this chapter)

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