The Savior is just a 3-Year-Old

Chapter 639: Short limbs

  Chapter 639 Short limbs are troublesome

  Lu Huaijiang was awake long before Lu Gonggong entered the door.

  At this moment, I got up naturally, without lying in bed.

   The dignified prince, naturally, he has no right to sleep in bed.

  But Lulu has.

   "Girl Lulu hasn't gotten up yet, Your Highness, it's better to let the girl stay in the East Palace. When the work is over, come back to pick her up at the palace banquet." Lu Gonggong replied in a low voice.

  Lu Huaijiang put on a thin shirt, looked at the clothes, and suddenly remembered that Lulu had said that he would buy him two clothes and shoes.

  Pan’s prince’s eyes were green, and he didn’t wait.

   sighed quietly.

  "Prepare two spring clothes for her, and I will hug her. She, I am afraid that I will have a headache when I wake up, and I will cry again." Lu Huaijiang pinched his eyebrows.

   Father Lu looked at him speechlessly.

  You are helpless and desperate, but your cheeks are full of petting.

  It’s nice to look at you.

  Lu Huaijiang changed his clothes and ate two mouthfuls of porridge to pad his belly. At the moment, Lulu was asleep with a small belly.

"Lulu, Jiang Jiang took you to worship the ancestors. You little lazy pig, go to sleep, wait until Jiang Jiang wakes you up." Lu Huaijiang took her clothes and put them on personally. After taking a thin quilt, he wrapped the child in his arms.

   got on the carriage and entered the palace.

  The courtiers were already waiting outside the palace gate.

  After all, it is always earlier than His Royal Highness to arrive, and later than His Royal Highness, that attitude is not right.

  Many courtiers stood in two rows at the gate of the palace, dressed in neat and serious official uniforms.

  His Royal Highness's carriage arrived, and all the officials saluted.

  Every year when offering sacrifices to the heavens, all the officials have to get up before dawn. Before dawn, walk from the gate of the palace to the Hall of Longevity in the palace, and give a big gift to the first emperor's memorial tablets in all dynasties.

  Now that the prince is outside the palace, he naturally wants the prince to lead in with him.

  Wait until the ancestors are worshipped, this will be the genius.

  It was a good time to set off to worship the ancestors at the Temple of Heaven in the imperial mausoleum. Naturally, there were various ceremonies and celestial powers along the way. To demonstrate the royal prestige.

  This is how it was held in previous years.

  Even if the prince who first came into contact with ancestor worship was only a few years old, the little man looked solemn and completed everything very seriously.

  But this year...

  But something is wrong.

  I saw His Royal Highness wearing a python robe, standing outside the carriage, and raising his hand to the courtiers.

  Everything looks the same as in previous years, His Royal Highness is still majestic, still full of momentum.

  "Zhongqing is flat." His Royal Highness curled his eyebrows and gently raised his hand.

  Everyone was still shocked by his awe-inspiring aura.

  I don’t know when, he has grown up, and he is no longer the boy who wore a python robe and needed a trot to keep up with them.

  After finishing speaking in previous years, His Highness should get out of the carriage and lead the people forward.

   But today, after he finished speaking, he paused and got back into the carriage.

  Master Xia's heart suddenly burst, with a bad premonition.

  Sure enough...

  Grandpa Lu opened the curtain, and his highness, who was full of shock and aura, got out of the carriage with a cub wrapped in his forehead.

  Xie Taifu's eyelids jumped.

  Causes the country and the people, and the country and the people!

The disasters of other countries have grown into big breasts, long legs, snakes and fine waists. Although I don’t know why in Da Zhou’s disasters, people have short legs and round faces and round stomachs, but her configuration has reached the potential for disasters. ! !

  Xie Taifu is heartbroken.

   turned his head and glared at Master Xia.

  I blame you for your incompetence, you can’t even pick up your niece!

  (End of this chapter)

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