The Savior is just a 3-Year-Old

Chapter 669: Goddamn dream

   Chapter 669

   "His Royal Highness, just looking at Lulu always seems to have lost his teeth?"

  The old lady deliberately changed the subject.

  The prince made a decision: "Yes. I lost two or three."

The old lady smiled and said, "Lulu is now a half-year-old child. There is a custom among folks that the lower teeth should be thrown high up. They are often thrown on the roof. The upper teeth are thrown under the bed so that they will grow. "

  The prince was slightly startled.

  Suddenly and unconsciously coughed slightly. Raised his hand and touched his neck.

   "The lower teeth I fell this time are too high. Lulu must be able to grow up safely and healthily." Yes, he strung it up and hung it around his neck. His height is not too short.

  The old lady is quite relieved.

  What makes everyone more alarmed is that your Highness is also a birthday today. But he never left the East Palace.

His Royal Highness    was born in July and a half. Although there are very few celebrations, and although not many people know about it, the officials do know about it.

  Every year today, His Royal Highness will enter the palace to accompany the empress and empress to celebrate together.

  But this year, he has never left.

  Porridge and blessings are served in front of the gate of the East Palace, which is very lively.

  Fawn deer was having lunch, and suddenly took a nap uncontrollably while watching acrobatics in the afternoon.

   The little girl yawned, and sat in front of the prince, her eyes dizzy. The eyelids seemed to be heavy, and they couldn't open them.

   "Lulu is sleepy?" The prince frowned slightly.


  The prince bends down and hugs the little girl sideways, nodded with Jiang Huaian, and then went to the sleeping hall with Lulu in his arms.

  Until His Royal Highness left, the Xia family felt relieved. The whole person slackened a bit.

  Lulu can arbitrarily in front of the prince who has always been killed, but they dare not.

   "Lulu is a good child and has great blessings. You, although you marry an inhuman, you have two children to fight for your breath."

  The old lady was very tactful. In fact, she felt that because her Royal Highness values ​​Lulu, she is afraid that this child will be extraordinary in the future.

  But the child was only six years old. It was too early to say this, and the old lady left a sentence.

  Only patted Xia's hand, it was full of relief.

   There were tears in Xia's eyes: "Yes, Lulu is a good boy. So is Huai'an." Jiang Huai'an only returned to Beijing for half a year, and he showed his sharp edge. Quite talented in the capital.

  Everyone in the Xia family was stunned, and couldn't help but look at the Xia family a bit high.

  No longer dared to look at her with the shameless eyes of her family.

  I can’t resist that other people will give birth to children.

   "Qiuwei will be in two months, Huai'an will definitely be able to pass the exam. You are blessed." The big aunt took the little sister-in-law's hand, full of joy.

  She hopes that my sister-in-law will be well.

  Not to mention the friendship between the two for many years, the two children of the Jiang family have facial identities, and the Xia family is also bright.

  Xia nodded with a smile. How did she know that her highest glory came from her two children.

  Jiang Huaian sat for a while, and then left with everyone and went back to read.

  Go to the Prince’s study to pay goodbye to the Prince before leaving.

  He has a lot to say before going.

  But after entering, he left without a word.

  He felt that His Royal Highness faced Lulu. Probably the same as myself.

  His Royal Highness's study room is full of traces of little girls' graffiti. The imperial decree, memorials, and the isolated copy of His Royal Highness's collection. Even the red sandalwood table was carved with marks on her.

   Such rampant domineering, can you be wronged in the East Palace?

Jiang Huaian didn't believe it.

  He just thinks, His Royal Highness has spoiled this girl a little more lawlessly.

  I'm afraid it will be difficult to marry in the future.

  (End of this chapter)

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