The Savior is just a 3-Year-Old

Chapter 673: She is the housekeeper of your Royal Highness

  Chapter 673 She is the housekeeper of His Royal Highness

  Xia’s family began to buy it with joy early in the morning.

  The old lady also personally sent someone to wait at the gate. Lulu must come back to celebrate today's big happy event.

  Sure enough...

  After a short while, the carriage of the East Palace stopped at the gate of Xia's house.

  Lulu travels in the Prince's carriage, and the Xia family is used to it anyway.

   "Three aunts, mother and brother?" The little girl raised her pearls and jade, but it was not so greasy and fat.

  She has small and round cheeks, and her cheeks are slightly fat and round.

  Actually, these arms and legs were born in vain, only slightly fleshy.

  But...the little girl from the capital family is always a bit more rounded.

  She was raised by the prince in good health and has a good foundation.

  The third lady hugged the little girl with a smile, and raised her hand without moving. She still sat firmly in the carriage.

  Later, the little girl climbed out of the carriage with a smile on her own.

   "Today, the old lady wanted to have a big party, but your brother is low-key and calm, and he is not allowed to do too much. You can only celebrate at the Xia's family house.

  "Your mother raised the two of you alone and suffered a lot and suffered a lot of grievances. Back then, you only changed your two children. No, I went to burn paper in front of Jiangjiazu’s grave early in the morning."

   "Your brother invited a classmate friend, and he is chanting poetry in the front yard. It is waiting for you."

  "You are a blessed one. My brother understands Yuan now, and if it goes smoothly in the future, he will rise up all the way. Your wife also has a support." The third lady led the little girl all the way into the house.

  The mansion is beaming, and now the eyes looking at her are full of respect.

  She knows that everyone in the world is powerful.

  This look is the brother's hard work and the prince's deterrence.

  The little girl stood up and raised her head, a little arrogant in her gestures. It was a little frightening, she was even more powerful than the princess.

  The prince devoted almost all his efforts to her.

   "Your mother sent red envelopes to everyone early this morning. This will be a whole lot of good things." The third lady smiled and said with a touch of envy between her eyebrows.

  It's not easy to be the wife of this family.

  In the past, everyone secretly dismissed Xia Yurong as the next wife.

  Even if they regard Xia Yurong as the sister of the relatives, the woman who was separated does have some influence on the unmarried daughter of the Xia family.

  But soon, everyone was slapped in the face.

  Can't resist someone who gave birth to a pair of sons and daughters.

  The fifteenth eldest son is Xie Yuan.

  The young girl was favored by the prince when she was only a few years old, and she was the cusp of the prince’s heart. Xia’s gifts are often delivered by carts and carts, and now they come out. Who dares to look down upon her?

  The year when she first returned to Beijing, Xia Yurong almost faded out of the circle of ladies in Beijing.

  The next cousin and those imposing wives are not the same.

  It was only a year, everyone rushed to invite her back.

  Look at today, a small family banquet, and many ladies heard the wind and sent countless gifts.

"Jiang Jiang also gave a gift to Brother Huai'an, and the carriage behind it was pulled. Lulu wanted to send it to his brother." The little girl's eyebrows were full of smiles. No matter how you look at it, the little girl doesn't seem like the whole family has been asked to raise it. Child coming out.

  It is like a nurturing person who is extremely attentive, giving her a sense of security and happiness.

   "I have troubled your highness." The third lady knew that Lulu had a face in front of the palace.

   "Don't bother, don't bother, Jiang Jiang gave Lulu the key and let Lulu go in and pick it at will. After picking it out, he made up some more." The little girl waved her hand casually, and the noble aura between her gestures was natural.

  The third lady was terrified.

  (End of this chapter)

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