The Savior is just a 3-Year-Old

Chapter 680: His reverse scale

   Chapter 680

  "Ming Consort, please respect yourself."

  Lu Huaijiang has a cold face and a slender juvenile figure, but he is full of handsome gloom while wearing a black suit.

  The emperor was even more upset by his sentence.

   "She, she is my concubine, and your concubine, you should call out a statement!" The emperor was so angry that his teeth creaked. This son, the more he grew up, the more he felt fear under his eyes.

  Sometimes, he even feels that this is not his son.

  Lu Huaijiang’s eyes drooped slightly: "Ming Niang? Concubine? Can hand over affectionate poems to this palace in the middle of the night, and can also meet this palace several times in the night. You don't care, your son still cares."

  Ming Concubine's face was pale, she bit her lower lip lightly, looking insulted.

No matter how angry the emperor on the collapsed Emperor is, Lu Huaijiang only holds the little girl in his hands: "The child minister said, right, the world, if you want it, you can take it back if you have the ability. But the imperial scale of this palace, who Can't touch it!"

  The young man is only fourteen, but he seems to have a backbone.

   "Nizi, you evildoer!"

"Back when I gave you the imperial court, I was so obsessed with ghosts! It made you so rebellious! This child must stay! This palace, now you can't help but decide!" The emperor suddenly sat upright. The body, from nowhere, was actually surrounded by the palace of longevity like an iron bucket.

  Lu Huaijiang gently squeezed Lulu's hand.

  He became more certain that the emperor was not on a whim.

  But came prepared.

  Be prepared for the deer.

  He guessed in his mind that the only thing that Lulu attracted attention was his calm spirit, and...

  Salvation Hall.

Lulu felt Lu Huai Jiang’s tyrannical killing, and his heart tightened: "Brother Jiang Jiang, Lulu can live for a few days. Lulu has never lived in a palace before, Lulu is about to see it. The pavilions in the palace, the beautiful scenery in the palace. You can rest assured that Lulu stays in the Longevity Palace for a few days..."

  The little girl's voice was soft, her two hands grasped Lu Huaijiang's right hand, and her whole body couldn't help shaking.

   "Okay, Brother Jiang Jiang. If you want to come back, come and see it anytime."

  "The royal meal in the palace is delicious. Lulu is in the Longevity Palace during the day, and at night, I go to see the queen and aunt. What do you think? Brother Jiang Jiang." The little girl's tone brought a little pitiful plea.

   There was a bit of tension in his eyes.

  Lu Huaijiang's vaguely uncontrollable evil spirit seemed to collapse helplessly.

   was silent for a long time, but the angry emperor did not let him waver at all.

  But everything was scattered in her murmur of Jiang Jiang.

  He knew that Lulu didn’t want him to fall into the abyss.

   even more unwilling him to fall to the altar in front of her.

Lu Huaijiang took a deep breath, squatted down, and never cared about the emperor and concubine in front of him: "Lulu, I will come to the palace to wait for you every day. If something happens, I will call Jiang Jiang. Jiang Jiang is willing to do for you... …" Lie gently beside Lulu's ears.

  Wish to fall to the altar for you.

  Lu Huaijiang finished speaking, then let go of Lulu's hand.

  At this moment, he looked at the emperor's gaze, and the admiration and the only trace of affection in his eyes were gone. The chill in the eyes is frightening and frightening.

   "How Lulu looks like when he enters the palace, and what he will look like when he leaves the palace. If a strand of hair is lost, this palace will have to be paid by your heavens!" His Royal Highness did not hide his sharpness at this moment.

  Until he left the gate of the Longevity Hall, he could still hear the reprimand in the palace.

  (End of this chapter)

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