The Savior is just a 3-Year-Old

Chapter 765: The identity of the savior

  Chapter 765 The Identity of the Savior

   "Your Majesty, Lord Zheng is absolutely right."

   "In just four years, the Palace of Salvation has grown from a small and wild land in the desert capital, and blossomed step by step across the country. It has traveled throughout the Great Zhou and occupied nearly half of the position."

  "And wherever they went, there were a lot of people believers. They even surpassed the status of Huguo Temple in the hearts of the people."

  "Huguo Temple is still a royal ancestral temple anyway, even if it is popular, it belongs to the imperial court. But the Palace of Salvation, with such a huge ability, is beyond the imperial court's control. It is not a good thing for Da Zhou."

"And those people who are gods and gods, what Chu Liang is actually a self-proclaimed sun-traveling god. What kind of thing is he traveling around the world in the day? He actually dares to call himself a god, because there is his conferred **** on the Salvation Hall. The ghost knows that it was sealed by humans or by gods." Master Zheng was full of sarcasm.

   Yang's face flushed with popularity.

   "How can you be like this, you are calculating the salvation hall."

"It has been four years, and the Hall of Salvation has only been back to you for a few days of peace. Have you considered the Hall of Salvation? The whole Dazhou was scourge by evil, so don't go out at night, and even during the day, you have to guard against evil. Now you don't close your house at night. Don't dare to come here, have your consciences been eaten by dogs?" Master Yang's eyes were red with anger, what Huang Du looked like back then, and what he looks like now.

  It was the Hall of Salvation that made Huangdu come alive.

   To say something rebellious, the Hall of Salvation is used more than the imperial court.

  However, it was not his turn to say this about his loyalty to the emperor, and he only shut up.

   "Master Yang, what are you anxious for? Are you involved in the Hall of Salvation?" Master Zheng chuckled lightly.

"How famous is the Hall of Salvation now, you haven't heard? Even outsiders have appeared rumors that the Hall of Salvation is the person who saves the world and has great merit. It is better than the court. If you continue to let the Hall of Salvation go out of control, The Great Zhou Dynasty is in danger. The court is in danger."

   "It was then, and it is now."

   "Now it should be submitted to the court."

  "The Hall of Salvation is a place outside of the world. I didn't intend to compete with the court. If I was really selfish, I could only gain a reputation for four years, but it was a day and night exorcism?" Master Yang was very dissatisfied.

  These people lose their conscience.

   "Your Majesty, everything is important to the court."

  The ministers actually said in the same voice, obviously they were afraid of the Hall of Salvation.

  Lu Huaijiang sat silently in the royal study room, where is Lulu?

  I did not know where to pick up a pile of mud, and placed it on the memorial table where it rattled, making a scary face.

  The little girl has made a bunch of dolls out of yellow mud, among them is the God of Creation that Lu Huaijiang saw in his memory.

  Lu Huaijiang has a big head, and his courtier tried to break down his little ancestor. What should he do?

   "Your Majesty, the minister still has important things to report." Master Zheng saw that his Majesty was indifferent, and suddenly reported it in a loud voice.

  Old Master Zheng took a deep breath and knelt on the ground suddenly.

   "Your Majesty, the Minister is afraid that the Palace of Salvation will have a conspiracy, so he often sends people to act as pilgrims to inquire about news."

  Lulu swished and raised his head.

   "Weichen discovered something. This is also the reason why the Hall of Salvation cannot be left to continue to be huge."

   "If the lord of the Hall of Salvation is a ghost or a god, that's all. But the minister inquired and learned that the savior is only afraid of being in the world."

   "I don't know where to hide in the world to spy on the world. Your Majesty, the person in charge of the Salvation Palace is most likely a mortal!" As soon as this word came out, everyone in the Imperial Study Room was in an uproar.

  Not even the last worry.

  (End of this chapter)

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