The Savior is just a 3-Year-Old

Chapter 788: Punish her severely

  Chapter 788 Punish her severely

   "I dare to open a dye shop if I give you three points of color, am I afraid of you? Ah?!!!"

   "Am I afraid of you? I let you."

   "It's really amazing, it's amazing, it's incredible. From now on I will listen to everything, what I say is what I say!"

  Women's study is called a vivid, and the appearance of the villain is almost overflowing.

   "Kneel me down? Do you know that you are wrong? If you know it, just say Lulu knows it!"

"Now I know that I am afraid of me? Let you ride on my head and make you scream. You can scold me. Can you send me? Let you see how good I am. Let you shine my shoes. Shoe shine, let you squeeze my shoulders and legs, you have to squeeze my shoulders and legs."

   "Write a fart homework, I won't do it!"

   "I will tell you now, I won't write!" After the woman finished reading, she looked at Jiang Huailu seriously.

  Lu Huaijiang…………

  Lulu looked at it and laughed. I don't know if it is angry or happy.

   "Yeah, do you want Lulu to polish your shoes? Want Lulu to pinch your shoulders and beat your legs? Did you feel wronged by doing your homework?"

  Lulu looked at him and asked, Lu Huai Jiang shook his back: "I'm not, I don't have, I didn't say it!"

  He was calm and serious on the face, and looked like I hadn't said it before.

  Too much panic in my heart.

  Can't provoke the deity, and finally someone sent someone who looked like her and scolded the little ancestor as a substitute for fun.

  After cursing with the front foot, the back foot was discovered by the deity.

  Lu Huaijiang can't recognize it, and he can't recognize it even if he is killed.

  The voice in his head came out again: "You shrew, shrew! Come on, give her some color!"

  "You are the king of the world, you are the head of evil, you are the evil **** of the world. You can be level with the evil lady of the creation god, she actually dares to threaten you like this! Show her something powerful!"

   Annoyed in his mind, the voice was mad, and a roar eager to rush out to fight.

  Lu Huaijiang's face darkened slightly.

  The voice in my heart is even more vigorous.

"Where do you put your face? She just pushed her nose on her face. Look at those two girls, which is not better than her, gentle and kind, how good you are. She is a seven-year-old child, even you Whether you accept a woman or not, it’s too shameful! Punish her, punish her severely, give her a good look!"

  Lu Huaijiang took a deep breath and turned to look at the two women.

   "You all go out." Pointing outside the door.

   His complexion was indifferent.

  He looked angry.

  The two glanced at each other, and responded in a low voice. He stepped back out.

   Suddenly there were only Lu Huaijiang and Jiang Huailu left in the hall, and Lu Huaijiang stared at her deeply.

   "Go up and give her a slap, and punish her well. Let her know who is in charge of this world! She is so used to it. She thinks she is something!"

"As long as you pet her, she is a little pet. If you don't pet her, she's a fart, she doesn't count! Everything has to listen to you! She is just relying on you to pet her, go, Get back the face of your Lord of the Kingdom!" The voice was full of bewilderment.

  Lu Huaijiang sneered, fists slightly clenched.

   walked straight forward, with a hint of coldness all over his body, took a deep breath, and his eyebrows rose.

   looked at Jiang Huailu proudly, and then...

"I'm wrong."

I'm wrong!

  The voice in my mind stopped abruptly.

  As if stuck in the throat by fate, I couldn't say a word.

  PS: The double monthly pass is about to end, ask for a monthly pass, thank you...

   Six changes are over today, see you tomorrow. For those of you who like Lulu Ganniang, you can read Xia Chuanchuan’s old book: "The man who killed seven fiancées said that I will not marry"

     Lulu Daddy is the Sanskrit sound of Buddha among them.

     I haven’t read it before and it doesn’t affect the reading of this book.

     But I sincerely recommend you to read it, it’s a very nice and happy article...



  (End of this chapter)

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