The Savior is just a 3-Year-Old

Chapter 796: Xindi be careful

   Chapter 796

  The old lady of the Xia family still has no change in Lulu.

  On the contrary, it was the eldest aunt, who seemed to look at Lulu with some complicated eyes.

  It’s not to blame Lulu.

  It is always because of identity.

  She is Yu Wanxiu’s mother-in-law and Xia Ningze’s biological mother. For this family, she dare not get too close to Lulu.

  Otherwise, the eldest daughter-in-law and eldest grandson will be unable to deal with themselves.

  Xia Ningze is not with his wife and daughter now, whether he wants to do it or not, she always stands by her son as a mother.

  Otherwise, family conflicts will deepen.

  This is also the sorrow of the big family, and many times they can’t act as they please.

  Lulu also understood. Seeing the aunt's apologetic eyes, she gently shook her head, and she couldn't help but feel sad when she saw her still smiling face.

  This child is still so affectionate.

"Huai'an will marry next year, right? It just so happens that the seventeen-year-old young man." Mrs. Xia rarely visits Jiang's house. This is the first year for her daughter to stand on her own. Naturally, she will come to see her as a mother. Look.

  Before the Jiang family, she didn't even go further.

   "I'm still a leather monkey at the age of seventeen. Mother, don't praise her." Even though the Xia clan had been exiled in Huangdu for a few years, in reality, it did not seem to be old, but rather younger.

  "This is also called Pi Monkey, the sixteen-year-old champion, who has an ancestral grave is full of smoke."

   This time Jiang Huaian accompanied the new emperor to eat tea in the outer courtyard, and Mrs. Xia was also accompanied.

  Women are easy to talk.

  Zhuangyuan’s mansion has three inputs and three outputs. It is not like the nouveau riche, but it is a bit expensive.

"Although Wen's girl is a businessman, I heard that she is refreshing and doing things properly. The Jiang family is currently short of such a person." The lady couldn't hold back and said, the sister-in-law's personality was originally gentle, and she became more and more gentle after she came out of the Jiang family. Don't care about things.

   Marrying a powerful daughter-in-law, the Jiang family is considered to be handed over to her.

  Being an idle old lady, Xia's life is serious.

   "Sister-in-law, my sister knows. Miss Wen is a good girl, and she has the same temperament with Huai'an. The two will surely be able to play and sing together."

Mrs.    nodded, Shi, Nong, Commerce, and Industry, although the business is the last.

  But now the Jiang family has been ups and downs like this, what is prosperous, and what has fallen into the bottom of the valley has never been seen.

  At this time, you should not care more about the status, and pay more attention to character.

  A woman can influence at least three generations, and those with superior character can cultivate excellent children.

  A family that stands up again can last long.

   Knowing the true heart of her sister-in-law, Xia took her hand with a smile, and also knew her difficulties.

Madam    slightly lowered her head and wiped her tears. As long as the whole family has the same heart, what can't be done.

  I only hope that the two incompetent ones on Zhuangzi will really repent.

  Otherwise, the Xia family might not be able to tolerate these people.

  What worries her is that the eldest son Xia Ningze and Yu Wanxiu love to die and live back then. This makes her lawless. I'm afraid that my son will be confused.

  In order for her to not accept concubines and not pass the room, but not to destroy the eldest son of the Xia family.

  The hope of the Xia family lies in him.

  Facts have proved that the lady is thinking too much.

  On the third day of the new year, Lu Huaijiang rewarded two female officials to the Xia family, saying that they were teaching Lulu the rules.

  Yes, Lulu moved out of the Xia family early!

  Looking at the two female officials again, their faces were peach blossoms, and their eyes flowed like spring. She has a slender figure, gentle and pleasant, and she looks like Jie Yuhua at first glance.

  Where is the female official.

  This is to give two concubines to Xia Ningze!

  (End of this chapter)

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