The Savior is just a 3-Year-Old

Chapter 801: Embarrassed

   Chapter 801

   "Then Lulu, do you want to take me away?" Lu Huaijiang bent over and looked at her.

   There was a smile in his eyes.

  Being ridiculous, Lulu thought he was serious.

  Lulu hesitated for a moment, then shook his head: "Jiang Jiang has his own mission, Lulu cannot be selfish. You are the majesty of the world."

  Lu Huaijiang's lips moved slightly, and it was obvious that she was so ignorant that she shut her mouth.

  "Finally, if you are close anyway, you are often called into the palace." Lu Huaijiang realized that his anger was tossing himself.

  The little girl doesn't seem to feel this way.

  Lu Huaijiang's heart is a little lost and a little bit sour.

  At noon, Lu Huaijiang had lunch with her.

  The weather is getting hotter, and the little girl started to feel sleepy after eating.

  Lu Huaijiang ignored Father Lu, who was walking anxiously at the door, and put her to sleep before leaving the Tibetan Deer Palace.

   "What's the matter?" Lu Huaijiang asked in a low voice.

   "It's an urgent frontier Baili." Father Lu handed over the sealed letter.

  Lu Huaijiang tore the letter open, his eyes sinking slightly.

  So he went back to the Imperial Study Room all the way, and it didn’t take long to hear that his Majesty had summoned several generals and Xie Taifu into the palace overnight.

  His Majesty had a long conversation with several courtiers in the palace all night.

  At the same time, those who stayed up all night at the same time, there is also the Palace of King Xian.

  In the study of King Xian's Mansion.

  The wise king and a man in black stand face to face.

  "The king has done what you said. The conflict between Dongli and Fuso was provoked. During this period, the king of Japan also sent his staff to travel around the country, and soon, I am afraid that Da Zhou will be embarrassed on all sides."

  Xian Wang's eyes fell on the man in black, and the man in black chuckled lightly.

   "You promised this king to only destroy Lu Huaijiang, and not to hurt Da Zhou himself." King Xian clenched his fist slightly. He knew that he was making a contract with the devil, but he was bound to win that position.

   "We never break our promise."

"He is bloodthirsty and brutal. He is not worthy of being a king. Only a virtuous king and a corporal, benevolent for the people, and a supporter of the world are worthy of a king." The black man's voice is hoarse, but the virtuous king always feels that the other party seems to be carrying something with him. Irony.

  But thinking of his plan, it feels relieved.

  I am afraid that the other party has hated Lu Huaijiang for a long time.

   "Absurd praise, this king is only for the people of the world. It does not matter to this king who is the king." The wise king is very humble. The man in black seems to have laughed, and it seems that he has never laughed.

"The virtuous king, don't worry. The meaning of this seat is to pull Lu Huaijiang from the throne. As for the position of the king of the world, this seat does not care about who comes to the seat. As for the world, the Great Zhou is naturally the same as that of the Great Zhou. .just……"

   "When the king changes, there will naturally be death. The virtuous king should not have heartache." The man in black seemed to point.

  Xian Wang nodded, "This is what it should be. The tyrant's lower position is naturally accompanied by killing. They all sacrificed for the world and died well."

  Speaking so righteous and awe-inspiring words, but turning his head to provoke disputes in the world, these wise men are really wise.

   "It's just that since Lu Huaijiang is pulled down, why the Salvation Palace..." The King Xian was a little bit reluctant. If the Salvation Palace can be used by him in the future, it must be a great help.

  The Hall of Salvation has extraordinary abilities, not what mortals should have.

If    could be controlled by him, wouldn’t all of the underground be used by him that day?

The man in black seemed to flash a mockery: "The Hall of Salvation will only support Lu Huaijiang. You said that the Hall of Salvation saves the common people and saves the world, whether it is a heart of compassion or a heart of great love. But you are indeed unworthy. !"

  Xian Wang's face suddenly sank.

  (End of this chapter)

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