“”Master, I heard that you are going to the Xia family to propose marriage today.”

At this time, an elder of the Ye family stood up and said to Ye Nan


Ye Nan said casually:”Third Elder, do you have any questions?”

“Haha, no problem.”

The third elder suppressed his smile and said:

“Nephew Ye Xuan is a man of the Xia family. As a man of the Xia family, he should be brave enough to take responsibility. The move of the family elders is really wise. Hahahaha, do you need me to accompany the head of the family to the Xia family to act as a scene?!”

He was just saying this casually.

After all, going to the Xia family to propose marriage was originally a very happy thing.

However, if the object of the proposal was Xia Qingxue, it would be embarrassing.

Ye Nanming knew that these people used to laugh at the jokes of his father and son, and they would definitely not agree.


Hearing this, Ye Nan couldn’t help but look strange.

Looking at the third elder in front of him, he thought to himself, it would be fine if he didn’t know about it before, but now that he knows, how can he treat the future daughter-in-law badly? The future daughter-in-law is obviously a genius, and her talent is far beyond his own son.

But she is willing to condescend to marry his son, and even at the cost of destroying her own reputation. Last night, his son asked her to stay overnight at the Ye family, and she had no objection at all.

She values ​​her son so much, and he can’t let her lose face–!!!

In this case, when he goes to propose marriage, he must make it more glorious.

Let everyone know that Ye Xuan, the young master of the Ye family, is about to marry Xia Qingxue, the daughter of the Xia family.

Thinking of this, he said to the third elder:

“The Third Elder is right. How can my son go to the Xia family to propose marriage without a few people? Go and call all the elders together, prepare generous gifts, and we will go to the Xia family to propose marriage together.”


Hearing this, the third elder was dumbfounded.


I was just talking to you casually, and you really want me to go?!!

Are you stupid? Your son is going to marry Xia Qingxue, such a shameful thing, you bring so many of us elders to watch you make a fool of yourself?

Could it be…

The third elder thought of a possibility and couldn’t help laughing secretly.

Ye Nan was afraid that he had given up, thinking that Ye Xuan had to marry Xia Qingxue anyway, and this marriage could not be denied at all.

Therefore, he simply called all the elders and went together, wanting Ye Xuanfeng to get engaged and marry Xia Qingxue home in a grand manner.


Since he thought so, then, I can’t go against his wishes.

Thinking of this, he hurriedly said:

“Don’t worry, Master. I will call my brothers and go to the Xia family to propose marriage. We will definitely not let the Xia family think that our Ye family despises our niece Qingxue.——!”

Having said that, he turned and left


The remaining six elders of the Ye family couldn’t help but show surprise when they heard the words of the third elder.

“Isn’t Ye Nan afraid of losing face?”

The elder said curiously:

“Everyone knows that Ye Xuan is the only descendant of the legitimate family. If Ye Xuan destroys his own future, the position of the head of the Ye family will definitely fall into the hands of our side branch. Now we are not on the same page with Ye Nan. If we go to the Xia family with him, we will have to laugh at the joke of them father and son. And he is planning to take us to the Xia family to propose marriage?”


The second elder also said:”Such an embarrassing thing, why don’t he and Ye Xuan go quietly? Bringing us all with him and making a big fuss, I’m afraid people will think that Ye Nan can’t wait to welcome Xia Qingxue into the Ye family. Isn’t it embarrassing for him to see Xia Qingxue, a useless person?”

“I guess.”

The third elder said:

“Ye Nan must have understood that Ye Xuan had to marry Xia Qingxue, so he was desperate. He wanted to win some face for his son in the Xia family, and let the people in the Xia family know that his son was not forced to marry Xia Qingxue, but that he valued Xia Qingxue very much.”

“Well, it is possible.”

The elder said:

“Hehe, since Ye Nan has already given up, why not help him break the jar together? During this period, everyone must not say anything sarcastic, lest Ye Nan and Ye Xuan regret breaking their marriage. This will also be a huge trouble for us. Let’s do our best to help Ye Xuan marry Xia Qingxue first, and then we can discuss who should get the position of the young master, how about it?!”

“Well, very good. Everyone, tell your family members to be polite to Ye Xuan during this period and not to be sarcastic to him. If anyone makes Ye Xuan unhappy and regrets the engagement, he will be punished according to the family rules.-!!!”

“Yes, we must do our best to let Ye Xuan marry Xia Qingxue as soon as possible.”

“……Otherwise, if time passes by and we miss the opportunity to lay a solid foundation, we may not be able to get the position of Young Master.”

“That’s it.——!!!”

At this moment, the side branches of the Ye family were more united than ever before, and they all wanted to help Ye Xuan quickly marry Xia Qingxue.

Then, they could make trouble and get their hands on the position of the young master.

Especially those elders whose sons were already not young, they couldn’t wait.

After all, if Ye Xuan delayed the wedding for a few more years, then, by then, the opportunity would be gone—!!!

It’s better to settle this matter as soon as possible.

So, all the elders came over and said to Ye Nan:

“Patriarch, since you are going to the Xia family to propose marriage, we are willing to follow you. We will definitely not weaken the prestige of our Ye family and let the people of the Xia family look down on us.”

“Yes, Patriarch, if the Xia family makes things difficult for you, just tell me what you want me to do. I will do whatever you want me to do.”

“Right, right.”

At this moment, all the elders had their own little calculations in their hearts, and they showed unprecedented respect to Ye Nan.

If someone didn’t know, they would think that the Ye family was so harmonious, and there was no gap between the direct line and the collateral line.

But Ye Nan was not stupid, and he knew what these old guys were up to.

So, at this moment, he just laughed secretly.

Now these old guys said nice things, and they looked like they wanted to help him propose marriage to the Xia family immediately and welcome Xia Qingxue into the Ye family.

It’s just that I don’t know if they will still have such thoughts when they know that Xia Qingxue is a genius.

“Let’s go then.”

Ye Nan said to the elders of the Ye family.

“”Where is Ye Xuan’s nephew?”

Suddenly, an elder noticed that Ye Xuan and Xia Qingxue were not with Ye Nan, and asked Ye Nan.

Ye Nan said casually:

“My son Ye Xuan has already taken Xia Qingxue back to the Xia family in advance”

“Oh, that’s right. It’s really inappropriate for niece Qingxue to go to Xia’s house with us. Hahahaha, it’s just right that they go ahead.”



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