The unknown liquid in Yin Wan'er's bowl is called Thunder Fire Quenching Fluid.

When applied to the body, it is not only painful, but also extremely itchy, which makes people feel worse than death.

However, it is a perfect match for"Blood Thunder Nine Layers".

So Yin Wan'er did not allow Qin Feng to use his blood to resist the Thunder Fire Quenching Fluid, but took advantage of the effect of the medicine to practice"Blood Thunder Nine Layers" with all his strength.》

"Seize the time and don't be lazy!"

"There are countless talents from all over the country who entered the Imperial Capital Martial Arts Academy this year, many of whom are stronger than you."

"Do you really think that there are only 500 new students? The fighting department, the medicine refining department, the casting department, Wanjuanlou has already recruited many students with special talents."

"There are at least 1,500 new students this year, and you are just average!"

Yang Guangxu complained one after another.

Qin Feng did not talk back, holding the shovel, practicing again and again

【Do you really believe what this old man said? If you believe him, you might as well believe that this system is Qin Shi Huang. I will make you a general!】


Qin Feng couldn't help laughing.

Old Man Yang was angry:"You still dare to laugh? More practice!"


A scream was heard in Baihua Manor.

Qin Feng: The system is harming me!


Fighting Department.

New students and old students came and went, and the training shouts were like thunder.

As soon as Sun Mingjie came back, he was surrounded by a group of people.

"Our laxative hero is back."

As soon as these words came out, the fighting department was filled with a happy atmosphere.

Sun Mingjie said sarcastically:"Those who laughed at me, you'd better not run into that kid"

"I heard that you lost 500 points, and that guy called Qin Feng got 310 points?" A sturdy man came over, he was tall and strong, with muscles all over his body.

Sun Mingjie glanced at him with contempt:"Guan Hongcai, you want to 'borrow' points from the freshmen again? Have some shame!"

"It doesn’t mean you won’t return it."

Guan Hongcai raised his eyebrows:"A handsome senior student borrows from him and will protect him, so why not?"

"Pay it back? You never paid it back before!"

Sun Mingjie's expression was full of disgust:"Don't let it happen that you fail to rob others and end up losing face and points instead."

""It's my ability that I can borrow it. If I borrow it with my ability, why should I pay it back?" Guan Hongcai chuckled.


A cold snort came from the Fighting Department.

Guan Hongcai's expression froze, and he hurriedly took his people away.

Sun Mingjie and others looked up and saw Guan Changsheng sitting upright on the chair.

His pair of phoenix eyes were mighty and powerful, holding an ancient book, his voice came out faintly:"If you lose, train well, don't go to the tomb and don't even know how you died."

"Yes, Brother Changsheng."

Sun Mingjie and the others were submissive and did not dare to talk back.

Guan Changsheng sat there like a majestic sculpture, emitting a huge pressure invisibly.

He suddenly remembered his encounter with Qin Feng at the school gate, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth:"One person broke the new wall, it seems that the Imperial Capital Wufu is going to���It's interesting"


The next day.

Qin Feng left Baihua Manor refreshed.

Yesterday's training was very strict, even inhumane.

But the effect of the Thunder Fire Quenching Fluid is magical.

After waking up, my body is in very good condition.

And the blood value has increased by 7 points!

Now it has reached 422 points!

Now Qin Feng is going to the Resources Department to exchange points for pills to further increase his blood value!

Soon, he arrived at the Resources Department.

This place is very strange, a bit like a middle school store, with several small iron windows opened, and middle-aged and elderly people sitting inside.

Some are watching TV, some are fiddling with the radio, each with their own appearance.

Qin Feng stood outside the iron window and asked:"Hello teacher, how many points are required for a first-grade pill?"

"Depends on the type, 1st grade wolf blood pill costs 10 points per pill, 1st grade tiger blood pill costs 12 points per pill, boiling blood pill costs 20 points per pill"

"Although they are all 1st grade, the materials are different and the prices are also different."

"Also, don't compare us with those rubbish first-grade pills outside, this is the best."

The old man who was watching Playboy answered casually.

Qin Feng nodded slightly.

10 points are not expensive, or very cheap!

Outside, a rubbish wolf blood pill costs 20,000 yuan, and a slightly better quality one starts at 50,000 yuan. If it is made by a master, it will cost at least 100,000!

So, the poor are good at literature and the rich are good at martial arts!

If you don't have money, you can't practice, and you can't afford it at all!

"I snatched a wolf blood pill from the Blood Cult, and then exchanged it for 36 pills with points. I should be able to break through to the advanced warrior level."Qin Feng estimated. When the blood value reaches 500, you can enter the advanced warrior level.

After that, you can reach the warrior level!

Advancement is in sight!

Just as Qin Feng was about to exchange, several people surrounded him.

The leader was Guan Hongcai

"Junior, come and exchange something." Guan Hongcai smiled happily.

Qin Feng nodded politely:"Yes"

"Senior, I want to exchange for a 2nd-grade weapon, but I still need 300 points. Can you lend me some?"Guan Hongcai smiled.

The people around him didn't say anything, staring at Qin Feng expressionlessly, exuding a sense of oppression.

The old man from the Resources Department glanced at him and ignored him.

It's a good thing for freshmen to suffer a little loss.

Qin Feng frowned.

Is there bullying in the Imperial Capital Martial Arts Academy?

But fortunately, it's not a group of fairies!

"You lent me points, so we are good friends."

Guan Hongcai smiled, then his smile faded, and his voice became cold:"On the contrary, if you don't listen to your senior, your life in the Imperial Capital Wufu will probably not be too smooth in the future."

He has seen many country bumpkins from small places like this.

Just one word: scare!

This trick has been tried and tested!

Seeing this, Qin Feng sighed deeply.

Then... he lay directly on the ground, screaming miserably.

"Family members, who understands, the seniors are grabbing the points!"

"Teacher! Master's wife! Please come quickly! Your disciples are being bullied!"

"Miserable, miserable, miserable, I am so miserable!"

The screams became louder and louder, and more miserable.

It broke the peaceful atmosphere of the Imperial Capital Martial Arts Academy.

Guan Hongcai and others were confused.

What happened?

What did we do?

You are a professional scammer!

Qin Feng secretly bit his tongue and spat a mouthful of blood at Guan Hongcai's feet, making his mouth full of blood. He wailed:"My teacher and mistress are Yang Guangxu and Yin Wan'er, you are finished!"

Many students gathered and began to whisper.

Even the instructors cast their eyes, revealing a hint of displeasure.

"I didn't do anything!" Guan Hongcai hastily retorted.

Qin Feng continued to shout:"You're still saying no, but my blood is all over your feet. You're dead, you're in big trouble!"

"No, no, no!"

Guan Hongcai's face turned pale, and he kept saying,"Let's go now!"

If it was a disturbance, Guan Hongcai was not afraid at all.

However, Qin Feng brought up Yang Guangxu and Yin Wan'er.

He couldn't afford to offend these two people!

"Leave? You want to leave after beating someone up?"

"There is no justice in the Imperial Capital Martial Arts Academy! There is no fairness!"

Qin Feng pounded the ground angrily, making people feel sad.

"What do you think we should do?"

Guan Hongcai was almost crying.

All he could think about was leaving this place of trouble!

Qin Feng put his hands on his waist, stretched out his hand, and said directly:"Compensate for the points, and this matter will be over. Otherwise, teacher...……"


"I'll give it to you right away!"

Guan Hongcai's face turned pale, and he quickly used his student ID to transfer 10 points to Qin Feng.

"What about them?"

Qin Feng glanced at Guan Hongcai's companions.

The corners of their mouths twitched, and they could only grit their teeth, cross the points, and then ran away.

"Fight with me? You are still a little naive!"

Qin Feng stood up right after Guan Hongcai and others left.

He spat out blood foam and dusted himself off.

There was no screaming or wailing, as if nothing had happened.

Only the points on his student ID card changed from 360 to 400.

He walked back to the small iron window, handed his student ID card in, and said with a smile:"Teacher, exchange for 40 wolf blood pills, thank you."

This operation made everyone confused.

Including the tutors in the Resources Department.

When did our school have a throwing tantrum department?

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