
Qin Feng fell heavily to the ground.

He opened his mouth and blood gushed out.

Just now, Lei Weng rushed over to kill him. Fortunately, he used the Qinggang alloy shovel to resist in time, and with the buffer protection of the spiritual leaf armor, the power of the punch was reduced to the minimum.

But even so, Qin Feng vomited blood, and his blood and qi surged.

"This strength is definitely that of an average warrior!"

Qin Feng gritted his teeth.

He endured the severe pain all over his body and retreated quickly.

This was a desperate move.

He dared not be careless!

At this time, smoke and dust rolled.

Lei Weng rushed out, his eyes red, staring at Qin Feng angrily.

"Damn it, it's not my zodiac year, why are you staring at me!" Qin Feng complained unhappily.

At this time, Lu Chao's voice came from the communicator.

"Qin Feng, don't let him run away, I'll be there soon!"

"He is blood-thirsty. If he escapes, the consequences will be disastrous!"

Lu Chao was originally chasing Lei Weng.

Halfway through the fight, Lei Weng suddenly rushed towards Qin Feng.

At this time, he was rushing out of the steel plant!

Qin Feng shouted:"You can stop him, but give me six intermediate warrior realm points��!"

Three black lines appeared on Lu Chao's forehead.

He's still thinking about points!

This open space is a deserted park.

The surroundings are very open, and it's difficult to stop a person.

Qin Feng looked at the thunder jar that was compressing the spring, and an idea suddenly occurred to him. He shouted,"I understand, are you angry and chasing me because I killed Leng Chun!"

"Oh wow, they are actually a cult couple!"

"As a senior member of the FFF group, I will break up a couple if I can. Please accept my condolences!"

Hearing these words, Lei Weng's head buzzed, and he didn't care about anything else. He roared and rushed over.

With a bang!

The smoke and dust were stirred.

He was like an arrow shot from a bow, punching Qin Feng's head with heavy punches.

The blood value of the intermediate warrior realm is as high as 2000.

Qin Feng naturally would not fight head-on.

He condensed his blood in his legs, burst out instantly, and dodged to the side.

Charging power is not just for fighting.

Escaping and dodging are extremely effective.

From a certain point of view, this is similar to Lei Weng's spring charging.

But it's faster and neater.

Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh...

The two flashed and moved in the park.

Lei Weng's explosive power is higher than Qin Feng.

But Qin Feng's goal is to delay, not to fight.

After a few times, the two fell into trembling.


Once again avoiding Lei Weng's pursuit, Qin Feng saw Lu Chao's figure.

He rolled his eyes and shouted:"Look at me, bastard!"

Lei Weng's mentality exploded instantly.

He stared at Qin Feng, completely overwhelmed by anger:"Little beast, I want you to die!"

"Indeed, you should have died long ago."

Suddenly, a cold voice sounded from behind.

Lu Chao arrived.

His eyes were cold, and he held a stick in one hand. The stick was shaped like jade, shining brightly and beautifully. There was also a mighty Qilin carved on it, and the Qilin's roar was faintly heard, shocking the mind.

SSS-level Monster System: Qilin Heaven-shaking Stick!

Lu Chao did not hesitate at all. The muscles on one arm bulged, and the Qilin Heaven-shaking Stick danced, as if a mountain was smashing down angrily. The air pressure made the ground tremble and continue to sink!

Lei Weng showed horror. He wanted to resist, but it was too late. Puff! Half of Lei Weng's body was blasted into meat paste, and he fell to the ground and did not move. Qin Feng was shocked when he saw it. This power is really powerful! If it were him, he would probably...


"Oh, I have to continue practicing." Qin Feng sighed in his heart.

Lu Chao took back the long stick and smiled:"Fortunately you attracted his attention, otherwise he would run away"

"Can't run away, don't you see the teacher is around?" Qin Feng didn't take credit.

He walked towards Lei Weng and felt around the latter.

"What are you doing?"Lu Chao asked in confusion

"Elite monsters will drop equipment, so if you don't pick it up now, when will you pick it up?" Qin Feng said casually.

He took off Lei Weng's boxing gloves and touched two bottles of pills. He had a great harvest.

"Small... small animal……"

Lei Weng was not dead yet, and spoke to Qin Feng with difficulty.

Qin Feng glanced at him, turned around, waved his hand, and slapped him to death with a shovel!

"I have tolerated you for a long time!"

"Civilized people never say such rude words!"

Qin Feng spat in dissatisfaction.

Lu Chao:……

【Extraction successful!】

【[Gain: 40 points of Qi and Health]

Two elementary warrior realms and one intermediate warrior realm increased Qin Feng's Qi and Health by 100 points out of thin air!


Indescribably comfortable!

Now the Qi and Health value has reached 937.

With more effort, you can enter the Warrior Realm!

"No, don't try!"

"There are still many bodies waiting for me to retrieve!"

Qin Feng suddenly thought of the cult members in the steel plant, and laughed like a villain in his heart.

But when he returned to the steel plant, he was silent.

Zhan Fu was cleaning up the scene.

The bodies were all taken away.

Only Qin Feng, dumbfounded, was left standing there.

"No, is this efficiency serious?"

Qin Feng wailed in his heart.

But soon, he began to comfort himself.

"It is biased to break through to the warrior realm here, which can easily arouse suspicion."

"It is more reasonable to return to Wufu and use the elixir to break through."

"After two days out, the blood value has increased by two or three hundred points, and it has also successfully broken through. This will definitely be remembered by others for experiments!"

Qin Feng found a reason for himself.

However, the scene was in a mess.

Not only the cult members died, but also many students.

Some students survived, but they were also seriously injured, and the disability rate was not low.

Huang Zhong, Liang Guoan and others appeared, their faces were extremely ugly

"Careless, arrogant, and disrespectful!"

"This is the end!"

"This is the case in surprise attacks, but what if you are the one being surprised?"

"Do you really think you are invincible?"

Huang Zhong suppressed his voice and scolded loudly.

Li Yuntao, Xiao Ding and others were originally very arrogant, but now they all lowered their heads and said nothing.

People teach people, but they can't learn. Only when things teach people can they be engraved in their hearts!

Three high-level warriors and five middle-level warriors died in the Imperial Capital Martial Arts House, and about 20 people were injured.

The Youzhou Martial Arts House was also in a miserable situation.

Nearly half of the 50-man team died.

But they had no complaints.

The road of a warrior is cruel.

If they were afraid of death, they would not become warriors.

"This time, Qin Feng and Lu Chao performed very well.

Huang Zhong's expression eased a little, and he said softly:"You are brave and resourceful. Although what you said is a bit harsh, it's effective."

Qin Feng's face darkened.

Old Huang, who are you hinting at?

【This teacher obviously has not watched Japanese anime. Does he understand the value of saving the world with his mouth?】

"That's right."

It was rare for Qin Feng to agree with the system.

Apart from the casualties, this battle was already perfect.

Especially Qin Feng.

Fortunately, he solved the warrior cult members in time.

Otherwise, the casualties would be even higher!

As the first meritorious player in this battle, Qin Feng did not enjoy the praise of everyone.

He hid in the corner and began to calculate his points.

4 high-level warriors 40 points.

2 elementary warriors also 40 points.

1 middle-level warrior, about 25~30 points.

In addition to the captain and the bottom line... he earned 125~130 points!

Including the blood value.

This trip is simply perfect!

"After returning, I immediately broke through the warrior realm"

"Then start to hit the list and try to enter the tomb pit as soon as possible!"

Qin Feng smiled and quickly arranged the follow-up plan.

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